ID Codes of the items in Deus Ex Human Revolution (Modding)

Deus Ex Human Revolution, ressources for modders.
By Grognougnou.

This list of ID code is for Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cuts version 2.0, the last and final version of the game on STEAM and Gog.

The items ID codes

There are three types of ID codes :
1 - The "In World" ID codes.
2 - The "In Inventory" ID codes.
3 - The "In Hands" ID codes.

Most of the game's objects and items use only one ID code : The "In World" Code. It is the codes the objects use when they are located in the game's maps/levels.
But the playable and story items have additional ID codes : The "In Inventory" code.
The "In Inventory" ID code is used by the playable and story items when they are located in the player's inventory, in a character's inventory or inside a container (like a drawer for example).
As for the "In Hands" ID code, it is used by the weapons when they are in the player's hands (or in a character's hands).

1) The inventory ID codes.

Tips : All the ID codes of the playable items are stored in the file "pickup_database.drm".
Their "Inventory ID codes" are all in a zone which is located just after the last paragraph of the consummable items (which is stimPackHorizontal).
This zone starts at ligne 19024 (00004A50 if the lignes number in your hexadecimal editor are displayed in hex and not in decimal).

72 21 = Combat rifle ammos.
2C 2D = Crossbow ammos.
08 FF = Grenade Launcher ammos.
1B 56 = Heavy Rifle ammos.
4D B0 = Laser rifle ammos.
B1 52 = Machine pistol ammos.
AA 5A = Peps ammos.
FC 05 = 10mm Pistol ammos.
4C B0 = Plasma ammos.
B8 50 = Revolver ammos.
04 4B = Rocket ammos.
33 2D = Shotgun ammos.
A2 3B = Sniper ammos.
66 2E = Stun gun ammos.
6C 2E = Tranquilizer darts.
33 5F = Typhoon Ammo.

15 2D = Praxis kit
5E F9 = Praxis kit (These are the Praxis kits sold at a different price by Quinn in the Missing Links DLC)

50 4E = Beer (Old Folks Brown Ale).
50 2E = Effecrocken Beer.
80 8C = Purple Dragon Beer.
99 40 = Mahara Ja Hot Devil Beer.
79 A7 = Paul Neumann's Pilsner Beer.
5D F9 = Nanbao beer (Beer can C).
0B 2C 01 = Spirits (Aiswine Ice Rice liquor, White bottle (Liquor_chinese_A).
C0 C7 = Spirits Zhenchuan Moutai, Red bottle (Liquor_chinese_B).
B4 57 = Vodka (Extreme Crimson Premium Vodka).
1B 4F = Whiskey (Tango Foxtrot tasty whiskey).
C6 C7 = Wine (Great Wall Red Chardonnay).
47 A9 = Wine (Nohanne Cabernet Sauvignon).
A1 3D 01 = Wine (Earnest Oaks Chardonnay).
4B 03 01 = Golden Phoenix Sling.
49 03 01 = Slum Dog.
4A 03 01 = Shangai gut punch

58 26 = Cyberboost pro energy pack.
1B 4D = Cyberboost pro energy jar.
E5 2C = Cyberboost pro energy bar.

6A 26 = Painkillers.
25 2D = Hypostim (gives 50HP up to a max of 200HP).

CA AC = BUG/no icons

71 1C = Concussion mine.
DF 59 = EMP mine.
CB 1C = Fragmentation mine.
37 60 = Gas mine.
ED 69 = Mine template.

A3 C2 = Automatic unlocking device.
A3 72 = Remote detonated explosive device.

FE 05 = Concussion grenade.
E0 59 = EMP grenade.
FD 05 = Frag grenade.
F1 5C = Gas grenade.

B9 2C = Nuke Software virus.
F4 2D = Stop Worm! Software.

3D D8 = (20) Crédits.
80 06 = (20) Credits.
5C 22 = Pocket secretary (Item)
0D 2D = Pocket secretary (Item)
5E 22 = Hacker brain chip.
A7 06 = Typhoon prototype
02 F4 = Corporate Passport.
8D 3D = VIP Pass Card.
9E 9E = Burke's spare Retinal Prostheses.
35 A6 = Modified Burke's spare Retinal Prostheses.
73 A5 = A data disk containing biometric data.
88 A8 = Trauma Kit.
88 95 = Stasis pod battery.
9F 9E = Launcher barrel for Rocket launcher.
A0 9E = Scope Assembly for Rocket launcher.
A1 9E = Trigger module for Rocket launcher.
B9 A3 = Data Storage Device (This disk is labelled OCM/Panchaea).
D7 A7 = Data Storage Device (This disk is labelled OCM/Australia).
89 A8 = Data Storage Device (This disk is labelled OCM/Moonbase Omega).
FD 1D 01 = Data Disc (Virus created by Dr Sevchenko).
71 C1 = Handheld Playback Device (Evidence obtained from Eliza).
05 24 01 = [Hacked] Smart Card ([Hacked] Tai Yong Medical Employee Card).
08 13 01 = Hive Membership Card.
1E 29 01 = Unknown handheld device (Device which makes Tong invisible).
5B 1A 01 = Tong's explosive package (C4 Plastic explosive).
1C 16 01 = Smart Card (Tai Yong Medical Employee Card.
A4 3E 01 = Lee Geng Memorial Access Card.
BB 22 = Megan Reed's bracelet.
83 2C = Package of drugs (O'Malley's small drugs package).
AF D8 = Photographs.
D3 D9 = Radford's trauma kit.
AA 22 = Flash Drive (Data storage Device which contains security footage).
48 03 01 = Jaya's memory chip (Upgrades memory chip for an augment).
6B 04 01 = Package of drugs (Mei's drugs, significant amount of drugs).
F4 0A 01 = Data chip (quest item).

A2 9E = Burke's Revolver.
5C F9 = Rocket Launcher.
49 29 = Combat rifle (Upgraded).
4A 29 = Combat rifle.
B6 D6 = Crossbow.
B5 D6 = Crossbow (Upgraded).
5C 5A = Double Barrel Shotgun.
14 FF = Grenade Launcher.
05 BB = Heavy Rifle (but glitch/crash if this code is used). Heavy Rifle for Robot ? Sentry ? Turrets ?
AA 99 = Heavy Rifle.
1A 56 = Barrets' Heavy Rifle arm (But glitch/crash if this code is used to add this weapon in the player's inventory).
A9 99 = Heavy Rifle (Upgraded).
4E B0 = Laser Rifle.
40 5A = Heavy Rifle (but glitch/crash if this code is used). Heavy Rifle for Robot ? Sentry ? Turrets ?
AA 4A = Machine pistol.
A9 4A = Machine pistol (Upgraded).
72 C1 = Federova's machine pistol (And the code "in hands" is 0C 06 and the code in "world" is 00 00 (= none).
B8 6A = Peps gun.
FB 05 = Pistol.
F1 1E = Pistol (Upgraded).
F4 B1 = Plasma rifle.
F3 B1 = Plasma rifle (Upgraded).
B1 5A = Revolver.
B0 5A = Revolver (upgraded).
C9 AC = Heavy rifle (but glitch/crash if this code is used). Heavy Rifle for Barrets ? Robot ? Sentry ? Turrets ?
0B 4B = Rocket launcher.
0A 4B = Rocket launcher (upgraded).
3B 2B = Glitch/crash if this code is used 3A 2D = Shotgun (Upgraded).
3B 2D = Shotgun.
A2 72 = Silenced sniper rifle.
B8 52 = Sniper rifle.
BE 50 = Stun gun.
4D 73 = Tranquilizer rifle.
01 9A = Tranquilizer rifle (upgraded).

3D 29 = Weapon Upgrade : Ammo capacity.
5E 71 = Weapon upgrade : Damage.
68 60 = Weapon upgrade : Laser targeting system.
B1 50 = Weapon upgrade : Reload speed.
05 6B = Weapon upgrade : Rate of fire.
9B A4 = Weapon upgrade : Silencer.
95 A4 = Weapon upgrade : Target-seeking system (For Combat Rifle).
58 E3 = Weapon upgrade : Target-leading system (For Crossbow).
B6 CC = Weapon upgrade : Cooling system (Pour Heavy Rifle).
0A 13 01 = Weapon Upgrade : Target-seeking system (Flechette Navigation system, for Machine pistol and combat rifle).
CE 29 = Weapon upgrade : Armor piercing system (For pistolet 10mm).
A8 C0 = Weapon upgrade : Cooling system (For Plasma rifle).
03 E7 = Weapon upgrade : Exploding round (For Revolver).
57 E3 = Weapon upgrade : Heat targeting system (For Rocket Launcher).
42 B5 = Weapon upgrade : Burst round system (For Shotgun).
F0 5C = Weapon Upgrade : Target-leading system (For Tranquilizer rifle).

2) The "In World" ID codes

This is the ID codes of the game's objects when they are located in the maps/levels. You can consider the "In World" ID code of the game's objects as their default ID codes. This list is very long (and incomplete) and include the "In World" ID codes of the characters, the playable and story items (when you find them on the maps), the non-playable items, the furnitures, the special effects objects (because fires, thunder, ect... are objects).

00 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
01 00 :
02 00 : Found in the file : globalsoundinfo.drm .
03 00 :
04 00 : Found in the file : globalaniminfo.drm .
05 00 :
06 00 :
07 00 :
08 00 :
09 00 : Found in the file : globaldatabase.drm .
0A 00 : CRASH. Found in the file : globaldlc.drm .
0B 00 : Found in the file : globalscripting.drm .
0C 00 : CRASH (Found in in file : player_everyman.drm ).
0D 00 : Found in the file : globalplayerinfo.drm .
0E 00 : Not tested (Found in file : particle.drm ).
0F 00 :
10 00 :
11 00 : CRASH. Found in the file : globalsmartscripts.drm .
12 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : player.drm ).
13 00 : 10mm Pistol (In the player's hands).
14 00 : 10mm Pistol (In World).
15 00 : 10mm Pistol (In the NPCs' hands).
16 00 : Ammo pistol (In World).
17 00 : Grenade Frag (In the player's hands).
18 00 : Grenade Frag (In World).
19 00 : Grenade Frag (In the NPCs' hands).
1A 00 : Grenade Concussion (In the player's hands).
1B 00 : Grenade Concussion (In World).
1C 00 : Grenade Concussion (In the NPCs' hands).
1D 00 : Door (Glass with writting Chiron Building on it : It's the interactive door which allows to enter the Chiron Hotel).
1E 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
1F 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground. Found in the file : mapboundary.drm .
20 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground. Found in the file : mapdisplayvolume.drm .
21 00 : Elevator vertical panel (in metal).
22 00 : Elevator button (black rectange with a green drawing/logo on it)
23 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
24 00 : CRASH.
25 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
26 00 : CRASH (Found in file : deferred_arbi_frustum.drm ).
27 00 : CRASH.
28 00 : CRASH.
29 00 : CRASH (Found in file : deferred_fast_omni_diffuse.drm ).
2A 00 : CRASH.
2B 00 : CRASH.
2C 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in the file : lb_planarnd.drm ).
2D 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
2E 00 : Paths, locations or Empty ? (Used by the file "s_scn_det_sarif_industries_part02_removesarif_det_sarif_industries.drm" and others like s_scn_sha02_sq04_targetsetup_sha_city_sewer1a.drm or s_scn_det01_sq04_pritchard_briefing_det_city_sewerspolice.drm).
2F 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : fx_det_city_planar_smoke.drm ).
30 00 : Black box (totally black, the size of a small movable crate). Found in file : hl_det_police_adam.drm .
31 00 : White foldable door/drawer (Open from left to right by folding, found in the file : sha_caps_capsule_door.drm ).
32 00 : Black box (totally black, the size of a small movable crate).
33 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (found in file : baseconversation.drm ).
34 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (found in the file : base_conversation_3rd_person.drm ).
35 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
36 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
37 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
38 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
39 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
3A 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
3B 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
3C 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
3D 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
3E 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
3F 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
40 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
41 00 :
42 00 :
43 00 :
44 00 :
45 00 : CRASH.
46 00 :
47 00 :
48 00 :
49 00 :
4A 00 : CRASH.
4B 00 :
4C 00 : Cigarette.
4D 00 : CRASH (Found in file : human.drm ).
4D 00 : CRASH.
4E 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
4F 00 : Car (brown-white).
50 00 : Police car (with lighting effects).
51 00 : Car (brown-white with darker brown doors).
52 00 : garbage can (the big ones used in Detroit which sometimes contain beers).
53 00 : garbage can (the big ones used in Detroit which sometimes contain beers), secondary version.
54 00 : Detroit policeman (Black skin, helmet, gas mask, orange armor, augmented arms). Found in the file: det1_citypolice_streetcop_detpolice_b.drm .
55 00 : White female civilian (Redhead, green eyes, black leather vest, brown polo black pants, black shoes). Found in the file : det1_citypolice_civilian_female_civilian_c.drm .
56 00 : Black male civilian (Black leather vest, green workers pants, black shoes).
57 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground and a big noise (It sounds like the noise cars make when they are exploding). Found in the file : fx_squib_car_a.drm .
58 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
59 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
5A 00 : Burned car (Completly burned).
5B 00 : CRASH.
5C 00 : Red female face (Without a body). Reacts, doesn't seem to be afraid of the player if he enters into a red zone.
5D 00 : Red male face (Without a body). Reacts, doesn't seem to be afraid of the player if he enters into a red zone.
5E 00 : Red male face (Without a body). Reacts, doesn't seem to be afraid of the player if he enters into a red zone.
5F 00 : Combat rifle, maybe a special version when it is being in the hands of some NPCs ? Or low definition version of this weapon when the player looks at it from afar ? (Found in the file : lw_combatrifle_a.drm ).
60 00 :
61 00 :
62 00 : Prostitute (Brown / Black skin, long black hairs with a pony tail, asian eyes, dark revealing top, gray skirt, black boots).
63 00 :
64 00 :
65 00 :
66 00 :
67 00 :
68 00 :
69 00 :
6A 00 : Red male face (Without a body). Reacts, doesn't seem to be afraid of the player if he enters into a red zone.
6B 00 : Glass (Un verre).
6C 00 :
6D 00 :
6E 00 : Beer bottle (Brown). Can't be selected.
6F 00 :
70 00 : Noodle bowl (Bol de pâtes). Found in the file : lw_bowl_noodle_b.drm .
71 00 :
72 00 :
73 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
74 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
75 00 : Found in the file : fx_squib_concussion_a.drm (It is the mine's concussion effect, including it's duration).
76 00 : Mine Concussion (In the player's hands).
77 00 : Mine Concussion (In World).
78 00 : Concussion mine ACTIVATED (If the player closes in on it, it will explode).
79 00 : Found in the file : fx_squib_concussion_mine_a.drm .
7A 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
7B 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
7C 00 :
7D 00 :
7E 00 : Mine Frag (In the player's hands).
7F 00 : Mine Frag (In World).
80 00 :
81 00 :
82 00 : Upgraded 10mm Pistol (In the player's hands).
83 00 : Upgraded 10mm Pistol (In World).
84 00 : Cage d'ascenseur.
85 00 :
86 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : level0_secretarea.drm ).
87 00 :
88 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
8A 00 : Ammo Combat Rifle (In World).
8B 00 : Databook / Notebook.
8C 00 :
8D 00 :
8E 00 :
8F 00 : Door air vent (the small interactive grid which closes tunnels and which can be opened).
90 00 : CRASH (Found in file : dedicated_terminal_b.drm ). It is a dedicated terminal (Also used in the file : s_scn_pan_zhao_dead_pan_hyronproject.drm ).
91 00 :
92 00 :
93 00 : CRASH (Found in file : computer_hacking_a.drm, s_scn_det_sarif_industries_sarifcomputerinteractive_det_sarif_industries.drm and s_scn_det_sarif_industries_sarifcomputernoninter_det_sarif_industries.drm ).
94 00 : Weapon Upgrade Special Armor Piercing System for the 10mm Pistol (In World, found in file : weapon_pistol_specialupgrade_world.drm ).
95 00 : Credit chip (In World, found in file : credit_chip.drm and this code also appears in files corresponding to area were credits are found outside of containers ).
96 00 : Blue door.
97 00 : Weapon Upgrade Ammo Capacity (In World).
98 00 : Cyberboost Energy Pack (In World).
99 00 : Combat rifle (In World).
9A 00 : Painkillers (In World).
9B 00 :
9C 00 :
9D 00 : Fire extinguisher
9E 00 : Gray metallic ladder / échelle grise (The player can climb on it).
9F 00 :
A0 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : det_city_sky_a.drm ).
A1 00 :
A2 00 : CRASH.
A3 00 :
A4 00 :
A5 00 : Found in the file : deferred_fast_omni_sky.drm .
A6 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
A7 00 :
A8 00 :
A9 00 :
AA 00 : Black office chair (Tong's).
AB 00 :
AC 00 :
AD 00 :
AE 00 :
AF 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : fx_layer_clouds_det_a.drm ).
B0 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : det_adam_birds_a.drm ).
B1 00 :
B2 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
B3 00 :
B4 00 :
B5 00 :
B6 00 : Light smoke / Fumée légère.
B7 00 : White smoke (Effects from bottom to top, like if something is burning, but no fire juste the smoke).
B8 00 :
B9 00 : Flies which fly in circle (Mouches qui volent en cercle).
BA 00 : Flies which fly in circle (Mouches qui volent en cercle). Less of them and smaller / Moins de mouches et elles sont plus petites.
BB 00 :
BC 00 :
BD 00 :
BE 00 :
BF 00 :
C0 00 : CRASH.
C1 00 :
C2 00 :
C3 00 :
C4 00 :
C5 00 : CRASH (Found in file : human_player.drm ).
C6 00 :
C7 00 : Found in the file : squib_punchthroughwall_stun.drm .
C8 00 : Ground with some rocks on it (which were part of a wall which felt down).
C9 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
CA 00 :
CB 00 : Upgraded Combat rifle (In the player's hands).
CC 00 : Upgraded Combat rifle (In World)
CD 00 : Combat rifle (In the player's hands).
CE 00 : Combat rifle (In the NPCs' hands).
CF 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : objectivelocator.drm ). This is probably the objective cross or triangle which is displayed in the portative radar in yellow or light blue.
D0 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
D1 00 : Not tested. Found in the file : mapmarker.drm .
D2 00 : CRASH (But test again : NPCs or Items)
D3 00 :
D4 00 : Not tested. Found in the file : level1_secretarea.drm .
D5 00 : Pocket secretary (In World).
D6 00 :  
D7 00 : Door (White)
D8 00 :
D9 00 : Door (Grey).
DA 00 : Door of the small metal safe (Found in file : opn_safe_locker_a.drm ).
DB 00 : Door of the weapon cabinet safe (Interactive item which can be opened, found in file : opn_cabinet_gun_a.drm ).
DC 00 :
DD 00 : Door (Metal, the ones used in the sewers and to open the Industrial's appartement's floor where Sandoval has his appartment).
DE 00 :
DF 00 : Drugs package (The one given by Mei), Quest item (In World).
E0 00 : O'Malley's briefcase with written on it "Property of the US governement" (It is found in the file : det_interactiveboxcrossbow_a.drm).
E1 00 :
E2 00 : Praxis kit (In World).
E3 00 : Ammo Crossbow (In World).
E4 00 : Hack Nuke Program (In World).
E5 00 : Ammo Shotgun (In World).
E6 00 : Shotgun (In World).
E7 00 : Cyberboost Energy Bar (In World).
E8 00 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
E9 00 : Hypostim (In World).
EA 00 :
EB 00 : Crash if it replaces an item.
EC 00 :
ED 00 : Upgraded Shotgun (In the player's hands).
EE 00 : Upgraded Shotgun (In World).
EF 00 : Shotgun (In the player's hands).
F0 00 : Shotgun (In the NPCs' hands).
F1 00 : Shotgun (Can't be selected).
F2 00 : Hack Stop Program (In World).
F3 00 : Ammo Stun gun (In World).
F4 00 : Ammo Tranquilizer (In World).
F5 00 : Beer bottle B (Green) : Effecrocken Beer (In World).
F6 00 : Breakable wall (White and with a gray ligne in the middle, found in file : ptw_det_apartment_a.drm = It is probably the breakable wall on the hotel's roof).
F7 00 : Breakable wall (White). Found in the file : ptw_det_apartment_b.drm .
F8 00 :
F9 00 :
FA 00 : Big helix / Grosse hélice qui tourne.
FB 00 : Breakable wall (White, found in file : ptw_det_apartment_c.drm ).
FC 00 : Breakable wall (Gray bricks, found in file : ptw_det_apartment_d.drm ).
FD 00 : Water drop and/or raindrop effect (on the ground).
FE 00 :
FF 00 : Black box (the size of a small crate, completly black, found in file : st_det_indus_police.drm ).
00 01 :
01 01 :
02 01 :
03 01 :
04 01 :
05 01 :
06 01 : White female civilian (Brown mid-long hairs, green eyes, green jacket, dark red-brown skirt, black female shoes). Found in the file : det1_citypolice_civilian_female_generic_a.drm .
07 01 : Prostitute (Black skin, semi-long black hairs, black and white outfit, black boots). Found in the file : det1_citypolice_civilian_female_prostitute_b.drm .
08 01 : DRB gang member (White, skinhead, light brown hairs, sunglasses, gray vest, white shirt, red pants, white shoes).
09 01 :
0A 01 : White hobo (Dark white skin, light brown hairs, green eyes, old gray pullover, damaged blue-white pants, gray shoes, gloves which don't cover the finger tips).
0B 01 : Black male civilian (Gray jacket, dark yellow-green shirt with 2 pockets on the sides, gray pants, dark gray shoes). Found in the file : det1_citypolice_civilian_male_generic_a.drm .
0C 01 : Female punk (Black skin, short afro hairs, gray sweetshirt, green, gray and red pants, high heel black shoes).
0D 01 : Yellow vertical pannel with written on it "Foxo... Audio". There are lots of them in the Detroit Streets.
0E 01 : Red male face (Without a body). Reacts, doesn't seem to be afraid of the player if he enters into a red zone.
0F 01 :  
10 01 :
11 01 : Metal 3D model door (found in file : s_scn_sha01_sq03_storage_after_sha_city_lowerworker.drm , s_scn_det02_sq01_depot_before_det_city_police.drm and door_mini_storage_a.drm ).
12 01 : Fire effects (the one used on the barrels). Visual effect only, doesn't hurt the player. Found in the file : fx_barrel_fire_a.drm
13 01 : Yellow electrical spark (Court-circuit). Visual effects only, it doesn't hurt the player. Found in the file : fx_electrical_sparksburst_a.drm .
14 01 : Flies (Mouches).
15 01 :
16 01 : Red male face (Without a body). Reacts, doesn't seem to be afraid of the player if he enters into a red zone.
17 01 :
18 01 :
19 01 :
1A 01 :
1B 01 :
1C 01 :
1D 01 :
1E 01 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
1F 01 :
20 01 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
21 01 :
22 01 :
23 01 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
24 01 :
25 01 : Newspapers Kiosks with with written "Detroit Sun Times" and "Picus News Standard" on it. It is interactive : Clicking on it allows to read Newspapers.
26 01 :
27 01 :
28 01 :
29 01 :
2A 01 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
2B 01 :
2C 01 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
2D 01 :
2E 01 :
2F 01 :
30 01 : Portable phone.
31 01 : Portable game console. Found in the file : lw_console_game_a.drm .
32 01 : Cigarettes pack (Red and white).
33 01 :
34 01 :
35 01 :
36 01 :
37 01 :
38 01 :
39 01 :
3A 01 : Not tested (Probably a ladder / échelle).
3B 01 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in the file : det_police_car_a.drm ).
3C 01 :
3D 01 : Invisible or the item is below the ground. Found in the file : fx_sparkling_dust_2x2_a.drm .
3E 01 : Laser beam (Security device) : Device which emits a red laser beam (Found in file : laserbeam.drm ).
3F 01 :
40 01 : Not tested. Found in the file : toxicgas_damagevolume.drm .
41 01 :
42 01 :
43 01 : Basket Ball (Item found in the file : ph_basketball_a.drm).
44 01 : Glass window which can be opened. Example : The glass window to enter in the Detroit Appartment block where Seurat lives (Found in file : det_backalley.drm ).
45 01 : Ammo Sniper (In World).
46 01 : Black box (the size of a small crate, completly black, found in file : st_det_sarif_police.drm ).
47 01 :
48 01 : EMP Field generator (but the texture is missing). Found in the file : base_empfield_generator.drm .
49 01 :
4A 01 :
4B 01 : Punk (Black skin and black clothes with white silver belt and gray shoes).
4C 01 : Riot policeman (Heavy armor, full helmet). Found in the file : det1_citysarif_riotcop_detpolice_b.drm .
4D 01 :
4E 01 : Red male face (Without a body). Found in the file : riotcop_white_b.drm .
4F 01 :
50 01 : Wooden door.
51 01 :
52 01 :
53 01 :
54 01 : Double wooden door with written en it "Detroit Convention Center. Delegate Badge Required).
55 01 :
56 01 :
57 01 : Black WC (Toilet).
58 01 :
59 01 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
5A 01 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in the file : base_camo_vent.drm ).
5B 01 :
5C 01 :
5D 01 :
5E 01 :
5F 01 :
60 01 :
61 01 :
62 01 : Black male civilian (Punk, earrings, green shirt with short sleeves, dark green vest with short sleeves, white pants, gray boots)
63 01 : Beer can A : Mahara Jah Hot Devil Ale (In world).
64 01 : Rectangular glass.
65 01 :
66 01 :  
67 01 :
68 01 : Andrea Mantegna (The 2nd LIMB Clinic Merchant in Detroit). Found in the file : det1_citylimbclinic_limbmerchant_andreamantegna.drm .
69 01 :
6A 01 :
6B 01 :
6C 01 :
6D 01 :
6E 01 :
6F 01 :
70 01 : Black male civilian (Glasses, brown short coat, gray pants, green-gray shirt, gray shoes). He is seen in Detroit near the police station. Found in the file : det1_citysarif_civilian_male_generic_a.drm .
71 01 : White male civilian hobo (Blond, with gray pullover).
72 01 :
73 01 : Grayson's bodyguard / guard (Black male, gray modern shirt, gray jacket, dark green pants, gray-brown shoes).
74 01 : White male civilian Punk (Blond hairs, green outfit).
75 01 :
76 01 : Detroit police officer (White, moustache, open helmet, orange bulletproof, augmented arms).
77 01 :
78 01 : Grayson, Blackmarket merchant (found in file : det1_citysarif_wepmerchant_grayson.drm at ligne 01562144).
79 01 : Black male Civilian (Dark blue vest with a gray part near the right shoulder, dark blue shirt, dark blue pants, black shoes).
7A 01 :
7B 01 :
7C 01 : Flying papers (Effects used in the streets).
7D 01 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in the file : fx_sky_light_a.drm ).
7E 01 :
7F 01 :
80 01 : Red male face (Without a body). Reacts, doesn't seem to be afraid of the player if he enters into a red zone.
81 01 :
82 01 :
83 01 :
84 01 :
85 01 :
86 01 : Red male face (Without a body) Found in file : wepmerchant_grayson.drm (It is Grayson's animation files).
87 01 :
88 01 :
89 01 :
8A 01 :
8B 01 :
8C 01 :
8D 01 : Ammo Rocket (In world).
8E 01 : Blue door with a metallic airgrid (in its lower part). On the door, it is written : "Caution. Only for use by authorized personnel".
8F 01 : Rocket launcher (In World).
90 01 : Machine pistol (In World).
91 01 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : dedicatedterminalscripteditem.drm ).
92 01 : Brown ladder / échelle brune (The player can climb on it).
93 01 : Breakable wall, gray (The ones which can be punched to break through).
94 01 :
95 01 : Brown ladder / échelle brune (The player can climb on it).
96 01 : Brown ladder / échelle brune (The player can climb on it).
97 01 :
98 01 : CRASH
99 01 :
9A 01 : Faridah Malik's helicopter.
9B 01 : Seems like an invisible volumetric item : It it invisible and it blocks the path of the player, even from afar.
9C 01 :
9D 01 : Red light (Vertical, 4 compartiments, found in file det_industrial_antenna_baselight_a.drm ).
9E 01 : Steam smoke (Smoke which comes from holes in the ground, Detroit).
9F 01 :
A0 01 : Upgraded Machine Pistol (In the player's hands).
A1 01 : Upgraded Machine Pistol (In World).
A2 01 : Machine Pistol (In the player's hands).
A3 01 : Machine Pistol (In the NPCs' hands).
A4 01 : Upgraded Rocket launcher (In the player's hands).
A5 01 : Upgraded Rocket launcher (In World).
A6 01 : Rocket launcher (In the player's hands).
A7 01 : Rocket launcher (In the NPCs' hands).
A8 01 : Door (White, thick, with an oval glass and "Surgical Ward" written on it and also "restricted area. Authorized personnel only". Open from left to right).
A9 01 : Double doors (Dark Glass, with an orange band with written on it "caution stand back" and also "automatic door", open horizontally).
AA 01 : Door (White, thick, with an oval glass and "Surgical Room A" written on it. Open from left to right).
AB 01 : Door (White, thick, with an oval glass and "Surgical Room B" written on it. Open from left to right).
AC 01 : Operating machine (The one in the limb clinic operation room, used in file : s_scn_det_limbclinic_lbw_operating_off_det_city_limb_clinic.drm ).
AD 01 : A Machine part which moves from left to right like a "grue", used in file s_scn_det_limbclinic_lbw_operating_off_det_city_limb_clinic.drm .
AE 01 : Invisible or the item is below the ground, used in file : s_scn_det_limbclinic_lbw_operating_off_det_city_limb_clinic.drm .
AF 01 : Limb Clinic Double Doors (Green glass door with written Limb - "Liberty in mind and body international" on it, interactive).
B0 01 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
B1 01 : Cyberboost Energy Jar (In World).
B2 01 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
B3 01 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
B4 01 : Fog / Cloud (Found in file : fx_fog_limb_clinic_a.drm ).
B5 01 : CRASH.
B6 01 : Looks like some wall's fragmens (Color = gray).
B7 01 : Double door (Green, lots of glass, with written on it : "Escalator" and "Information", open laterally).
B8 01 : Dead body (Black male, brown-long coat, blue pants, black boots).
B9 01 : CRASH.
BA 01 : Stun Gun (In World).
BB 01 : Weapon Upgrade Reload (In World).
BC 01 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Used in the file electricity_damagevolume.drm)
BD 01 : Electricity emitter (Large, the one found in the construction site). Visual effect only, causes no damage to the player.
BE 01 : Electricity emitter. Visual effect only, causes no damage to the player.
BF 01 : Electricity pannel with interruptor.
C0 01 : Metal barrier with written Police Line-Do not cross.
C1 01 : Whiskey bottle (In World).
C2 01 : Ammo revolver (In World).
C3 01 : Not tested (Probably a ladder / échelle).
C4 01 :
C5 01 :
C6 01 :
C7 01 :
C8 01 : Found in the file : scriptedeventhelper.drm .
C9 01 : Found in the file : fx_fireline_windy_1m.drm .
CA 01 :
CB 01 : Found in the file : fx_fireline_windy_50cm.drm .
CC 01 :
CD 01 :
CE 01 :
CF 01 : Echelle / ladder (Found in the file : det_sarifhq__masterunit.drm ). Maybe it is the ladder which leads to the Helicopter Storage room.
D0 01 : Red female face with green hairs (without a body, found in the file : civilian_sq_jennyalexander.drm). Afraid animations. It's most likely Jenny Alexander's animations.
D1 01 : Female punk (White, red spiked hairs, black vest, dark green pants).
D2 01 :
D3 01 : Black female civilian (Short afro hairs, blue eyes, gray coat, dark slim pants, gray female shoes). Found in the file : det1_citypolice_civilian_female_civilian_b.drm .
D4 01 : White female civilian (Blond, short hairs, green eyes, black/gray revealing shirt and pants, black female shoes, beautiful). Found in the file : det1_citypolice_civilian_female_civilian_f.drm .
D5 01 :
D6 01 :
D7 01 :
D8 01 : Prostitute (Black skin, black hairs, green eyes, orange outfit, boots). Found in the file : det1_citypolice_civilian_female_prostitute_g.drm .
D9 01 :
DA 01 : Black male civilian (Black buffy vest, dark gray shirt sleeves, black pants, dark gray-green shoes).
DB 01 : White male civilian (White skin, blond hairs, dark gray coat, gray shirt, gray pants, dark mountain shoes).
DC 01 : White male civilian (Light brown hairs, green eyes, 3-days beard, brown jacket, beautiful gray shirt, blue jeans, gray shoes).
DD 01 : White male Hobo (White skin, blond hairs, dark shirt with long sleeves, "square" green-red jacket without sleeves, dark green pants with lignes, mountain shoes).
DE 01 :
DF 01 : Jenny Alexander, The undercover female policeman in Detroit which triggers the Quest "Cloak & Dagger" with O'Malley).
E0 01 : Black man civilian (Red vest, dark pants, Punk).
E1 01 :
E2 01 :
E3 01 :
E4 01 :
E5 01 : White male civilian (Punk, blond hairs, red shirt, green vest without sleeves, boots).
E6 01 : Black male civilian hobo (40-50yo, 3-days gray beard, red and green squares vest without sleeves, gray shirts, pants which don't recover both legs equally : One part is shorter, blue boots).
E7 01 : Detroit policeman (Riot cop in heavy armor : He is the policeman without a helmet who is standing in front of the Detroit's police departement building / Police station ). Found in the file : det1_citypolice_riotcop_detpolice_a.drm .
E8 01 : Detroit policeman (Black skin, black armor, opened helmet with protecting glass, augmented arms). Found in the file : det1_citypolice_streetcop_detpolice_a.drm .
E9 01 :
EA 01 : Detroit Policeman (White, open helmet, orange bulletproof vest).
EB 01 :
EC 01 :
ED 01 :
EE 01 :
EF 01 : Stun Gun (In the player's hand).
F0 01 :
F1 01 :
F2 01 : Double glass doors with written "Detroit Convention Center" on them. They open horizontally.
F3 01 : Sniper (In World).
F4 01 : Ammo Machine pistol (In World).
F5 01 : Yellow ladder / échelle jaune (Big, with metal parts which maintain it to a surface, probably a wall).
F6 01 :
F7 01 :
F8 01 : Sniper (When in the NPC's hands : Apparently only special Sniper characters can equip this weapon without glitches when they reload it).
F9 01 : Sniper (When in the player's hands).
FA 01 :
FB 01 : Found un file (ph_crate_metal_verysmall_i.drm ).
FC 01 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : base_camo_sewers2_2m_a.drm ).
FD 01 :
FE 01 : Brown ladder / échelle brune (The player can climb on it).
FF 01 : Breakable wall (Dirty granit wall with an orange band in the middle, Found in file : ptw_catacomb_sewer_a.drm ).
00 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
01 02 :
02 02 :
03 02 :
04 02 : Long metallic bar (part of the level architectures).
05 02 :
06 02 :
07 02 :
08 02 : Effects of the concussion grenades sent by the boss Lawrence Barret. Found in the file : fx_squib_barretexploconcussion.drm .
09 02 :
0A 02 : CRASH.
0B 02 :
0C 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground
0D 02 : Vodka bottle (In World).
0E 02 : Cigarette.
0F 02 : Double brown doors (Each has a glass in the middle and they open horizontally).
10 02 : Brown door (Glass in the middle and it is written "Notice - Restricted area - Authorized personnel only").
11 02 : BOSS Barrets (Hostile but immobile, counter attacks with his gun if the player fires at him, can grab the player if he get close to him,  found in file : npc_barrett.drm , s_fema_bossfight_after_outro_det_fema_bossroom.drm ).
12 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in : weapon_heavyrifle_aug_barrett_npc.drm so it is probably's barret arm-rifle when he is using it).
13 02 : Heavy Ammo (In World).
14 02 : Grenade EMP (In World).
15 02 : Double Barrel Shotgun (In World).
16 02 : Large Hangar door (gray, retracts itself to leave passage).
17 02 : Ammunition box (Which can be opened). Found in the file : sch_case_ammunition_a.drm .
18 02 : Ammo PEPS (In world).
19 02 : Revolver (In World).
1A 02 :
1B 02 :
1C 02 :
1D 02 :
1E 02 :
1F 02 :
20 02 : Black container (Trashcan used in Sarif Industries HQ)
21 02 :
22 02 :
23 02 :
24 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
25 02 :
26 02 :
27 02 :
28 02 :
29 02 :
2A 02 : Mine EMP (In the player's hands).
2B 02 : Mine EMP (In World).
2C 02 : Grenade EMP (In the player's hands).
2D 02 : Grenade EMP (In the NPCs' hands).
2E 02 : EMP mine ACTIVATED (It explosed if the player closes in on it).
2F 02 : Found in file : fx_squib_emp_mine_a.drm . Effects and duration of the EMP mine.
30 02 : Found in file : thrownproj_emp.drm .
31 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
32 02 : Found in the file : fx_squib_emp_a.drm .(Those are the effects and duration of the EMP grenade) .
33 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
34 02 :
35 02 : Double barrel shotgun (In the player's hands).
36 02 : Upgraded Revolver (In the player's hands).
37 02 : Upgraded Revolver (In World).
38 02 : Revolver (In the player's hands).
39 02 : Revolver (In the NPCs' hands).
3A 02 :
3B 02 : Shop's glass front, Detroit (Vitrine de magasin à Détroit).
3C 02 :
3D 02 :
3E 02 : Brown ladder / échelle brune (The player can climb on it).
3F 02 :
40 02 :
41 02 :
42 02 : MCB Gang Leader (The one who sells items to Jensen near FEMA's courtyard, found in file : det1_femaexterior_lieutenant_mcb_a.drm ).
43 02 : Weapon Upgrade Special (Version 2) for the Crossbow and the Tranquilize Gun (In World).
44 02 : Grenade Gas (In the player's hands).
45 02 : Grenade Gas (In World).
46 02 : Grenade Gas (In the NPCs' hands).
47 02 : MCB Gang member (White, yellow bandana, augmented arms, found in file : det1_femaexterior_showoff_mcb_a.drm ).
48 02 : MCB Gang member (Black, augmented arms, found in file : det1_femaexterior_showoff_mcb_b.drm ).
49 02 :
4A 02 :
4B 02 :
4C 02 :
4D 02 :
4E 02 : Weapon Upgrade Laser Targeting System (In World).
4F 02 : Ammo Typhoon (In World).
50 02 : Gray metallic ladder / échelle en fer (The player can climb on it).
51 02 : Gray metallic ladder / échelle en fer (The player can climb on it).
52 02 :
53 02 :
54 02 : Double windows (One can be opened horizontally).
55 02 :
56 02 :
57 02 :
58 02 :
59 02 : Crate with military colors : It's the crates which contain the boxguards (the big robots). It CAN'T be lifted by the player. found in file : crate_boxguard_a.drm .
5A 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : fx_det_fema_exterior_planar_smoke.drm ).
5B 02 :
5C 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : fx_layer_clouds_det_b.drm ).
5D 02 : Black smoke (small, found in file : truck_exhaust_smoke_a.drm ).
5E 02 :
5F 02 :
60 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
61 02 :
62 02 :
63 02 :
64 02 :
65 02 :
66 02 :
67 02 :
68 02 :
69 02 :
6A 02 :
6B 02 :
6C 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
6D 02 :
6E 02 :
6F 02 : Mine Gas (In the player's hands).
70 02 : Mine Gas (In World).
71 02 :
72 02 :
73 02 :
74 02 :
75 02 :
76 02 :
77 02 :
78 02 :
79 02 :
7A 02 :
7B 02 :
7C 02 :
7D 02 : CRASH
7E 02 : Visual effects (including damage). Found in the file : fx_squib_barrel_a.drm .
7F 02 :
80 02 :
81 02 : Black male civilian (Modern brown vest with decorated shoulders, gray pants, black shoes).
82 02 : Asian male civilian (Rare brown asiatique face and hairstyle, goat beard and moustache, brown leather vest with 1 decorated shoulder, green shirt, gray pants, brown green shoes).
83 02 :
84 02 : Gerald Campbell (The doctor in the police station who is in the morgue). White male, brown hairs, light brown eyes, special working glasses, white shirt with a blue tie, medical gloves, black pants, black leather shoes). Found in the file : det1_policebasement_civilian_geraldcampbell.drm .
85 02 :
86 02 :
87 02 :
88 02 :
89 02 : Police officer (White, brown hairs, blue shirt, dark blue-gray-pants, black shoes, red tie, badge, watch).
8A 02 :
8B 02 :
8C 02 :
8D 02 :
8E 02 :
8F 02 :
90 02 :
91 02 : Detroit Police officer (White male, brown hairs, White shirt with badge and tie, black belt, gray pants, black shoes).
92 02 :
93 02 : Detroit police officer (Black, sunglasses, White shirt with badge and tie, black belt, gray pants, black shoes, watch).
94 02 :
95 02 :
96 02 :
97 02 :
98 02 :
99 02 :
9A 02 :
9B 02 : Detroit policeman (Black skin with white 3-days beard, gray shirt, red tie, black pants, black shoes).
9C 02 : Prostitute (Same face as the Chiron hotel receptionist but with blue eyes and red hairs, black and white outfit, black boots). Found in the file : det1_policebasement_civilian_female_prostitute_a.drm .
9D 02 :
9E 02 :
9F 02 :
A0 02 : White male civilian punk (Green hairs on the side, red shirt with black lignes, white pants, boots).
A1 02 : Detroit Policeman (HEAVY, Rare Black face with half-shaved beard, short black hairs, gloves, thick armor).
A2 02 : Roddy de Grave (Black punk, gray eyes, dark gray vest with short sleeves, white shirt, gloves which don't cover the finger tips, green military pants, mountain boots). Found in the file : det1_police3rdfloor_civilian_roddydegrave.drm .
A3 02 :
A4 02 :
A5 02 :
A6 02 : Detroit policeman (White, green eyes, 3-days beard, orange armor, augmented arms).
A7 02 : Yune's dead body in the police basement. Found in the file : det1_policebasement_corpse_unknownhacker.drm .
A8 02 : Brainchip, Quest item (In World).
A9 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
AA 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
AB 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
AC 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
AD 02 :
AE 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground
AF 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground. (Found in the file "base_conversation_ohd.drm" ).
B0 02 :
B1 02 :
B2 02 :
B3 02 :
B4 02 :
B5 02 :
B6 02 :
B7 02 : Toilet door (Gray, with a woman sign on it).
B8 02 :
B9 02 :
BA 02 :
BB 02 :
BC 02 :
BD 02 :
BE 02 : Photocopieuse / Print machine.
BF 02 : CRASH.
C0 02 : CRASH.
C1 02 : PEPS Gun (In World).
C2 02 : Gray door with a ventilation area in the middle-bottom.
C3 02 : Weapon Upgrade Rate of Fire (In World).
C4 02 : Mine Template (In World).
C5 02 : Brown ladder / échalle brune (The player can climb on it).
C6 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground. Found in the file : tier1_forced_warnings.drm .
C7 02 :
C8 02 :
C9 02 :
CA 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
CB 02 :
CC 02 :
CD 02 :
CE 02 :
CF 02 :
D0 02 :
D1 02 :
D2 02 :
D3 02 :
D4 02 :
D5 02 :
D6 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
D7 02 :
D8 02 :
D9 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
DA 02 :
DB 02 :
DC 02 :
DD 02 : Wayne Haas (In police uniform, moves but has no afraid animations, found in file : deskcop_waynehaas.drm ).
DE 02 : Stylo.
DF 02 :
E0 02 :
E1 02 :
E2 02 :
E3 02 : Red male face (without a body). Moves but says nothing.
E4 02 :
E5 02 :
E6 02 : Red male face (without a body). Turns itself to face the player (Found in file : civilian_geraldcampbell.drm ).
E7 02 : Bloc note.
E8 02 : PEPS Gun (In the player's hands).
E9 02 : Riot policeman / Cop who crosses his arms (Black outfit and bullet armor, Full helmet with gaz mask and gloves).
EA 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground. Found in the file : det_sam_sky_a.drm .
EB 02 :
EC 02 : Brown-Red Door with a glass and white handle.
ED 02 :
EE 02 :
EF 02 :
F0 02 :
F1 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground
F2 02 :
F3 02 :
F4 02 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : fx_det_sam_planar_smoke_a.drm ).
F5 02 :
FA 02 :
FD 02 : Small fire. Visual effects only. It doesn't hurt the player. Found in the file : fx_fireline_50cm.drm .
FE 02 :
FF 02 :
00 03 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
01 03 : Invisible or the item is below the ground. Found in the file : fx_det_sam_bullet_impact.drm ).
02 03 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : fx_blood_impact_headshot.drm ).
03 03 : Found in the file : fx_muzzle_singleshot_mpistol.drm .
04 03 :
05 03 :
06 03 :
07 03 :
08 03 : Weapon Upgrade Damage (In World).
09 03 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in the file : ao_det_sam_sas_a.drm ).
0A 03 :
0B 03 :
0C 03 :
0D 03 :
0E 03 :
0F 03 :
10 03 :
11 03 : Gas bomb (The one used by the Purity First group and in the "Smash the State" quest). Found in the file : gas_bomb_a.drm (Ligne 00525872 / 00080630 in hexadecimal).
12 03 :
13 03 : David Sarif.
14 03 : Swat HEAV soldier (The black officer who briefs Jensen at the start of the Sarif Milwaukee Plant Factory Mission). Found in the file : det1_samextwarehouse_streetcop_swat_a.drm .
15 03 :
16 03 :
17 03 :
18 03 :
19 03 : Interactive Door (Grillagée, door in metal scare with empty spaces, with written on it "NOTICE" Operation by authorized personel only and "DANGER" do not leave door open or unclosed.
1A 03 : Meuble en métal avec des tiroirs en partie rouges que l'on trouve dans le QG de Sarif Industries.
1B 03 : Dead Purity First Terrorist lying face down (White, beard, blue shirt, military pants, boots).
1C 03 : Silenced Sniper Rifle (In the player's hands).
1D 03 : Silenced Sniper Rifle (In World).
1E 03 : Remote Detonated Explosive Device (In the player's hands).
1F 03 : Remote Detonated Explosive device (In World).
20 03 : Ladder / Echelle (Interactive item).
21 03 :
22 03 :
23 03 : Yellow ladder / échelle jaune (The player can climb on it).
24 03 :
25 03 :
26 03 : Yellow light of the police helicopter (the one which is projected on walls and ground). NB:  It moves before going out. And it is seen during the conversation with Zeke Sanders.
27 03 :
28 03 : Found in the file : fx_fireline_windy_4m.drm .
29 03 :  
2A 03 : Sarif (has afraid animations, found in file : civilian_davidsarif.drm ). =============================================> Make a video with him in Detroit' streets, in Limb Clinic or elsewhere :)
2B 03 : Remote detonated explosive device (In World, maybe the version placed on the ground by the player).
2C 03 :
2D 03 :
2E 03 :
2F 03 : Yune, the hacker controlled by Van Bruggen, ALIVE (he just turns towards the player, found in file : det1_samrestrictedarea_civilian_themole.drm ).
30 03 : The pistol used by Yune (the augmented terrorist which Jensen confronts at the Sarif Manufacturing Power Plant).
31 03 : Yune Dead (The purity First hacker who was controlled by Van Bruggen) in half-sitting position (Found in file : det1_samrestrictedarea_corpse_themole.drm ).
32 03 : Blood splatter (It appears around Yune's corpse after the cutscene where he shot himself in the Milwaukee Plant Factory Mission.).
33 03 : Invisible or the item is below the ground
34 03 : The hacker Yun (This zombie moves but has no affraid animations, found in file : civilian_themole.drm ). ====================================> Make a funny video with him :)
35 03 : Double doors (Gray, with red cut horizontal lignes and 2 white vertical ligne, it is written SL-001 on it, they open horizontally, lab doors used inthe Milwaukee Sarif Manufacturing Plant factory).
36 03 : Dark gray door.
37 03 : Woord door with a small gray ventalition grid in its lower part.
38 03 : Glass double doors with written "Sarif" on them.
39 03 : Door of Sarif's Helipad (the one which leads to the Helipad storage room, found in file : det_sarif_helipad_a.drm ).
3A 03 : The vertical metal ligne which can be activated in the Sarif HQ hall to display vocal informations (When they are inactive, their screen part is red and when they are active, their screen part is green).
3B 03 : Breakable Roadblock.
3C 03 : Ladder (used in ao_det_sarif_helipad_ladder_a.drm).
3D 03 : Rusty ladder / échelle rouillée.
3E 03 : Gray light on the ground.
3F 03 : Comfortable office leather chair (Used in the Sarif Milwaukee plant). Found in the file : chair_sarif_a.drm .
40 03 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
41 03 :
42 03 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : fx_sarif_hq_planar_smoke_a.drm ).
43 03 :
44 03 :
45 03 : Round white light effect which increases and decreases size.
46 03 : Fire (Doesn't burn the player if he get close to it, it is just the visual effects).
47 03 :
48 03 :
49 03 :
4A 03 :
4B 03 : Not tested but probably "Invisible or the item is below the ground" Found in file : det_shq_sky_a.drm ).
4C 03 : Double gray doors with 2 white vertical lignes and red horizaontal lignes. It is written SL-001 on them. They open vertical. Doors found in the Sarif Milwaukee Plant Factory.
4D 03 :
4E 03 : Big vertical gray pannel with written on it "Sarif Industries". Part of the Sarif HQ's elevator.
4F 03 : Big vertical pannel used in the Sarif Industries HQ's elevator.
50 03 : David Sarif.
51 03 :
52 03 :
53 03 :
54 03 :
55 03 :
56 03 :
57 03 :
58 03 :
59 03 :
5A 03 : Belltower soldier with baclava (Not augmented).
5B 03 :
5C 03 :
5D 03 :
5E 03 :
5F 03 :
60 03 :
61 03 : Belltower soldier with baclava (The ones used in the tutorials when Jensen isn't augmented).
62 03 :
63 03 :
64 03 :
65 03 : Dead body (Sarif Industries personel).
66 03 :
67 03 :
68 03 :
69 03 :
6A 03 :
6B 03 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
6C 03 : Double doors (White, with red bordures, laboratory type door, with written SL-001 on it).
6D 03 :
6E 03 :
6F 03 :
70 03 :
75 03 :
79 03 :
7A 03 : Black female civilian (Long black hairs, makeup, blue eyes, white working outfit, dark shirt, black modern pants, black female shoes).
7B 03 :
7C 03 :
7D 03 : White male civilian in red and white sport clothes.
7E 03 :
7F 03 :
80 03 : Black male civilian (Dark modern shirt, red polo below, dark blue pants, black shoes).
85 03 :
8A 03 :
8F 03 : Book with written "Effective" on its cover (Found in file : det_sarif_graysanatomy.drm ).
90 03 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
91 03 :
92 03 :
93 03 :
94 03 :
95 03 :
96 03 : Big wall with the center composed of a glass (= A glass wall with metallic borders).
97 03 :
98 03 :
99 03 : Gray door with a white vertical band and horizontal red bands. It is written SL-001 on it. It is one of the doors of the Sarif Milwaukee Plant Factory.
9A 03 : Metallic part which probably surrounds a double door.
9B 03 :
9C 03 :
9D 03 :
9E 03 : Hanging light suspended to the top of a romm, which is broken and which slightly moves (Found in file : megans_lab_lab_light_broken_a.drm ).
9F 03 :
A0 03 :
A1 03 : Vent trap / door (which closes tunnels).
A2 03 : Yelena Federova, immobile (Her version in the prologue ? : Found in file : sce_01_shq0_7_se13_federova.drm but then another version of her in the prologue has the normal code of her 29 0B : sce_01_shq0_8_se14_federova.drm ).
A3 03 : Combat Rifle (Can't be selected, maybe it's a version "in hands" .
A4 03 : Vent trap / door (which closes tunnels). Found in sarifhq_vent_trap_a.drm .
A5 03 :
A6 03 :
A7 03 : Dead Sarif Industries Security Guard (White).
A8 03 :
A9 03 : Namir (With armor), found in file : sce_01_shq0_9_se05_namir.drm (It can only replace an item, not a character).
AA 03 : Megan Reed (Scientist).
AB 03 :
AC 03 : Eric Koss (Scientist)
AD 03 : Nia Colvin (Scientist)
AE 03 : General O'Neil
AF 03 :
B0 03 :
B1 03 :
B2 03 :
B3 03 :
B4 03 : Lyle Rodgers.
B5 03 :
B6 03 :
B7 03 :
B8 03 :
B9 03 :
BA 03 :
BB 03 :
BC 03 :
BD 03 :
BE 03 :
BF 03 :
C0 03 : Adam Jensen fully human (Immobile, found in the file : cinematic_adamjensen_notaugmented.drm ).
C1 03 : Barretts (Immobile, found in the file : sce_01_shq0_6_se12_barrett.drm ).
C2 03 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : federova_volume.drm ).
C3 03 :
C4 03 :
C5 03 :
C6 03 : CRASH.
C7 03 :
C8 03 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
C9 03 : Invisible or the item is below the ground. Found in the file : fx_bloodpool.drm .
CA 03 : Found in the file : fx_impact_metal_singleshot.drm .
CB 03 :
CC 03 : Power block with written "Sarif Industries" on it and a yellow danger pannel (White, beige color, square form with a triangular top).
CD 03 :
CE 03 : Invisible or the item is below the ground. Found in the file : fx_fixed_bloodsplat.drm .
CF 03 : Electricity sparks with smoke. Visual effect only, it doesn't damage the player. Found in the file : fx_electric_explo.drm .
D0 03 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
D1 03 : Smoke (Gray). Used in the file : s_scn_pan_zhao_dead_pan_hyronproject.drm (It is apparently the smoke which get out of Zhao's body after the player has defeated her in the last mission).
D2 03 : Blood splat / Bloodpool. It is the blood effect when the character who got shot at was close to a wall or to the ground (Found in file : fx_fixed_bloodsplat_3min.drm ).
D4 03 :
D5 03 :
D6 03 :
D7 03 :
D8 03 :
D9 03 :
DA 03 :
DB 03 :
DC 03 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
DE 03 :
DF 03 : Dark gray long tube with written "Mustang Arms" on it. Found in the file : lw_ram_battering_swat_a.drm .
E0 03 :
E5 03 :
E8 03 : Red male face (without a body). Turns itself to face the player
E9 03 :
EA 03 :
EB 03 : Eric Koss (gray clothes, has afraid animations, found in file : civilian_erickoss.drm ).
EC 03 : Red male face (without a body). Turns itself to face the player (Found in file : civilian_generalshep.drm ).
ED 03 :
EE 03 : Megan Reed (has afraid animations, found in file : civilian_meganreed.drm ).
EF 03 : Nia Colvin (has afraid animations, ound in file : civilian_niacolvin.drm ).
F0 03 :
F7 03 :
F8 03 :
F9 03 : Porte de casier bleue / Blue door of lockers (Found in the file : opn_picus_locker_a.drm ).
FA 03 : Beer bottle C (Dark violet) : Purple Dragon Beer (In World).
FB 03 :
FC 03 :
FD 03 :
FE 03 :
FF 03 :
00 04 :
02 04 : Helix / élice qui tourne.
06 04 :
08 04 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
09 04 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
0A 04 :
0B 04 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
0C 04 : Rain and Sea effects (Those used in the DLC "A Missing Link" when the player has reached the boat's deck).
0D 04 :
0E 04 :
0F 04 :
10 04 :
12 04 :
15 04 :
1A 04 :
1F 04 :
20 04 :
21 04 :
22 04 :
23 04 :
24 04 :
25 04 :
26 04 :
27 04 :
28 04 :
29 04 :
2A 04 :
2B 04 : Medium Belltower guard (Has no helmet, rare Asian face, haircut military style = Near bald).
2C 04 :
2D 04 :
2E 04 :
2F 04 :
30 04 :
31 04 :  
32 04 :
33 04 :
34 04 :
35 04 :
36 04 :
37 04 :
38 04 :
39 04 :
3A 04 :
3B 04 :
3C 04 : Lifepod battery, Quest item (In World).
3D 04 :
3E 04 :
3F 04 : Databook / Notebook (Interactive item).
40 04 : Netanya Keitner.
41 04 :
42 04 :
43 04 :
44 04 :
45 04 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
46 04 : Tranquilizer Gun (In World).
47 04 : Heavy Rifle (In World).
48 04 :
49 04 :
4A 04 :
4B 04 :
4C 04 :
4D 04 :
4E 04 :
4F 04 :
50 04 :
55 04 :
5A 04 : First Aid Kit (Opened black box and there are items like medical cissors and red and white pensements located around it).
60 04 :
64 04 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
65 04 :
6A 04 :
6B 04 :
6C 04 :
6D 04 :
6E 04 :
6F 04 :
70 04 :
71 04 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
72 04 :
73 04 :
74 04 :
75 04 :
76 04 :
77 04 :
78 04 :
79 04 :
7A 04 : Rocks which have fallen to the ground (part of a destroyed wall).
7B 04 :
7C 04 : Square in metal (To use around a door and/or an opening).
7D 04 :
7E 04 :
7F 04 : Upgraded Heavy rifle (In the player's hands).
80 04 : Upgraded Heavy rifle (In World).
81 04 : Heavy rifle (In the player's hands).
82 04 : Heavy rifle (In the NPCs' hands).
83 04 : Upgraded Tranquilizer Gun (In the player's hands).
84 04 : Upgraded Tranquilizer Gun (In World).
85 04 : Tranquilizer Gun (In the player's hands).
86 04 :
87 04 : Double Glass Door with written on it "Biometric Security Scan". It is the double glasses doors which are used in the checkpoint security scan areas which are found in the DLC "The Missing Link".
88 04 :
89 04 :
8A 04 :
8B 04 : Square item.
8C 04 :
8D 04 :
8E 04 :
8F 04 :
90 04 :
91 04 :
92 04 :
93 04 :
94 04 :
95 04 : Computer (Example : 95 04 04 in the file s_scn_det_limbclinic_firstvisit_det_city_limb_clinic.drm, it corresponds to the interective computer which allows to buy the goods sold by the Limb Clinic).
96 04 :
97 04 :
98 04 :
99 04 :
9A 04 :
9B 04 :
9C 04 :
9D 04 : Burke's Revolver (In World).
9E 04 :
9F 04 :
A0 04 :
A1 04 : Rocket launcher's barrel, Quest item (In World).
A2 04 : Rocket's launcher's scope, Quest item (In World).
A3 04 : Rocket's launcher's trigger, Quest item (In World).
A4 04 :
A5 04 : Weapon Upgrade Silencer (In World).
A6 04 : Weapon Upgrade Special for Machine Pistol and Combat Rifle (In World).
A7 04 :
A8 04 : Beer "Old folks Brown Ale" in World.
A9 04 :
A8 04 : Beer Bottle A : Old Folks Brown Ale (In World).
A9 04 : Datapuck blue, Quest item (In World).
AA 04 :
AB 04 : Long garage's doors in metal separated by a wooden part (It is like stores' entrances in an avenue).
AC 04 :
AD 04 :
AE 04 :
AF 04 :
B0 04 :
B5 04 :
BE 04 :
C0 04 :
C5 04 :
C6 04 :
C7 04 :
C8 04 :
C9 04 :
CA 04 :
CB 04 :
CC 04 : Burke's Revovlver (In the player's hands).
CD 04 : Burke's Revolver (In the NPCs' hands).
CE 04 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
CF 04 :
D0 04 :
D1 04 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
D2 04 :
D3 04 :
D4 04 :
D5 04 :
D6 04 : White triangular item with written on it "Record", "Play" et "Soloto.
D7 04 : Datapuck Red, Quest item (In World).
D8 04 : Beer Can B : Paul Newmman's Pilsner (In World).
D9 04 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in the file : level3_secretarea.drm ).
DA 04 : Burke's cyber eye replacement augmentation, Quest item (In World). NB : The "In World" 3D model of this item is missing so it is replaced with a big purple box with written "Dynamics" on it.
DB 04 :
DC 04 :
DD 04 :
DE 04 :
DF 04 : A bar composed of small balls of yellow-orange light which switch from OFF to ON one after the other again and again.
E0 04 :
E1 04 :
E2 04 :
E3 04 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
E4 04 :
E5 04 :
E6 04 :
E7 04 : Burke's cyber eye replacement augmentation, Quest item (In the player's hands). NB : The "In the player's hands" 3D model of this item is missing so it is replaced with a big purple box with written "Dynamics" on it.
E8 04 :
E9 04 :
EA 04 :
EB 04 : Datapuck green, Quest item (In World).
EC 04 : Wine bottle B : Nohname Cabernet Sauvignon (In World).
ED 04 : Tiroir/interactive drawer.
EE 04 :
EF 04 :
F0 04 :
F1 04 : Lethal morphine dose, Quest item (In World).
F2 04 :
F3 04 :
F4 04 :
F5 04 :
F6 04 :
F7 04 :
F8 04 :
F9 04 :
FA 04 :
FB 04 :
FC 04 :
FD 04 :
FE 04 : Blue fishs / Banc de poissons bleus
FF 04 :
00 05 :
05 05 :
0A 05 :
0E 05 : Road with orange lignes, lights and protection barriers on it, plus it is written "Danger".
0F 05 :
10 05 :
11 05 :
12 05 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file :  fx_panchea_birds_a.drm ).
13 05 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
14 05 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
15 05 :
16 05 :
17 05 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
18 05 :
19 0A :
1A 05 :
1B 05 :
1C 05 :
1D 05 :
1E 05 :
1F 05 :
20 05 :
21 05 :
22 05 :
23 05 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
24 05 : Red ladder with an orange bottom (Echelle rouge dont le bas est orange).
25 05 : Rectangular dark glass.
26 05 :
27 05 :
28 05 :
29 05 :
2A 05 :
2B 05 : Small electrical sparkbursts. Visual effect only, it doesn't cause damage to the player. Found in the file : fx_electrickline_1m.drm .
2C 05 :
2D 05 : Blood dropplets. Visual effect of little blood drops falling to the ground (Effects used in the Harvester's operation rooms. Found in file : fx_blood_droplets_a.drm .
2E 05 :
2F 05 :
30 05 : Found in the file : fx_squib_boxguard_a.drm .
31 05 : Found in the file : launchedproj_missile_boxguard.drm .
32 05 : Found in the file : fx_squib_boxguard_missile_explosion_a.drm .
33 05 : Iron Drone (The yellow piece of metal where a female body with bands is attached plus the button to open/close it, found in file : drone_a.drm ).
34 05 :
35 05 : Invisible or the item is below the ground. Found in the file : dispatcher_hyronproject_second_phase.drm .
36 05 :
37 05 :
38 05 :
39 05 : Zhao Run Yu Dead (Burnt body, found in the file : so_pan_zhao_burnt_a.drm ).
3A 05 : Zhao Run Yu (Her Boss Version and animated, found in the file : boss_zhao_a.drm ) ===========================================> Crash si on remplace un personnage avec, mais peut remplacer 1 objet.
3B 05 : Storage door (gray) with written on it in Yellow: "Iron Project Security Device". Found in the file : door_sentrybot_storage_hyron_a.drm .
3C 05 : Eliza Cassan's head (animated).
3D 05 :
3E 05 : Ammo Plasma rifle (In World)
3F 05 :
40 05 : Ammo Laser Rifle (In World).
41 05 :
42 05 : Dead body (Black female scientist, white shirt with written "Cryonixis Laboratories" on it, black pants, black shoes).
43 05 : Laser rifle (In the player's hands).
44 05 : Laser rifle (In World).
45 05 : Rail turret (it travels circularly). Found in the file : rail_turret_a.drm .
46 05 : Interactive tv screen.
47 05 :
48 05 :
49 05 : Plasma Rifle (In World).
4A 05 : Zhao Run Yu (2nd Boss version, animated and found in file : boss_zhao_b.drm ).
4B 05 :
4C 05 :
4D 05 :
4E 05 :
4F 05 :
50 05 :
51 05 : Electricity (big electric arc on the ground : It causes no damage to the player: It is just the visual effect). Found in the file : fx_hyronproject_electricity_center.drm .
52 05 : Found in the file : fx_hyronproject_electricity_level_one.drm .
53 05 :
54 05 :
55 05 :
56 05 :
57 05 :
58 05 :
59 05 :
5A 05 :
5B 05 : Eliza (moves, look at the player but has no reactions, found in file : civilian_eliza.drm ). ==========================================> Faire une vidéo avec elle (Par exemple dans l'appartement de Jensen ou à la LIMB Clinic).
5C 05 : Upgraded Plasma Rifle (In the player's hands).
5D 05 : Upgraded Plasma Rifle (In World).
5E 05 : Plasma Rifle (In the player's hands).
5F 05 : Plasma Rifle (In the NPCs' hands).
60 05 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in the file : fx_squib_zhao_glass.drm ).
61 05 :
62 05 :
63 05 :
64 05 :
65 05 :
66 05 :
67 05 :
68 05 : Weapon Upgrade Special Burst Round System for the Shotgun (In World).
69 05 : Not tested (Probably a ladder / échelle).
6A 05 : Container lift (This item slightly moves like on water, found in file : container_lift_a.drm ).
6B 05 : Wind snow (Effect on the ground, found in file : fx_wind_snow_a.drm ).
6C 05 :
6D 05 :
6E 05 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : fx_windy_snow_4m.drm ).
6F 05 : Wind snow (Effect on the ground, identical to 6B 05 but smaller size, found in file : fx_wind_snow_b.drm ).
70 05 :
71 05 :
72 05 :
73 05 :
74 05 :
75 05 :
76 05 : Electricty. Visual effect only, causes no damage to the player. Found in file : fx_damage_volume_electrik_flat.drm .
77 05 :
78 05 : Crazy augmented worker (Black man, with ear gears, augmented hands).
79 05 :
7A 05 :
7C 05 : Crazy/injured Sarif security guard (White, light brown hairs, 3-days beard, red tie, augmented arms).
80 05 :
81 05 :
82 05 :
83 05 :
84 05 : David Sarif (Turns towards the player, found in file : pan_machinery_civilian_davidsarif.drm ).
85 05 :
86 05 :
87 05 :
88 05 :
89 05 :
8A 05 :
90 05 :
91 05 :
92 05 :
93 05 :
94 05 :
95 05 :
96 05 :
97 05 :
98 05 :
99 05 :
9A 05 :
9B 05 :
9C 05 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
9D 05 :
9E 05 :
9F 05 :
A0 05 :
A5 05 :
AA 05 :
AF 05 :
B0 05 :
B5 05 :
BA 05 :
BF 05 :
C0 05 :
C1 05 :
C2 05 :
C3 05 :
C4 05 :
C5 05 : Greta Mueller, the female LIMB Merchant from Panchea (Found in the file : pan_limbarea_limbmerchant_gretamueller.drm ).
C6 05 :
C7 05 :
C8 05 :
C9 05 :
CA 05 :
CB 05 : Invisible or the item is below the ground. Found in the file : weapon_heavy_rifle_medium_sentry_npc.drm .
CC 05 :
CD 05 :
CE 05 :
CF 05 : Helix (Animated).
D0 05 :
D1 05 :
D2 05 :
D3 05 :
D4 05 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
D5 05 :
D6 05 :
D7 05 :
D8 05 :
D9 05 :
DA 05 :
DB 05 :
DC 05 :
DD 05 :
DE 05 :
DF 05 : Found in the file : fx_squib_sentry_death.drm .
E0 05 :
E1 05 : Belltower Crazy Heavy guard. (Found in the file pan_hangar_crazysoldier_belltower_c.drm).
E2 05 :
E3 05 :
E4 05 :
E5 05 :
E6 05 :
E7 05 :
E8 05 : Dead augmented worker (Red and yellow outfit, metal hands).
E9 05 :
EA 05 :
EB 05 :
EC 05 :
ED 05 :
EE 05 :
EF 05 :
F0 05 :
F1 05 :
F2 05 :
F3 05 :
F4 05 :
F5 05 :
F6 05 :
F7 05 :
F8 05 : Dead bloody Belltower Soldier.
F9 05 : Hugh Darrow (He has afraid animations and no glitches, found in the file : F9 05 ====================== found in file : pan_tower_civilian_hughdarrow.drm ).
FA 05 :
FB 05 : 10mm pistol (In the inventory Code).
FC 05 : Ammo 10mm pistol (In the inventory Code).
FD 05 : Frag grenade (In the Inventory Code).
FE 05 : Concussion grenade (In the Inventory Code).
FF 05 :
00 06 :
01 06 :
02 06 :
08 06 :
0A 06 :
0C 06 :
10 06 : Red valve (if you turn it, then poison gaz will be released : Sounds + green effect around the valve but NO poison in the air, thought and no effect on the player. It's just the interactive valve item).
15 06 :
1A 06 :
1E 06 :  
20 06 :
25 06 :
2C 06 :
30 06 :
35 06 :
39 06 : Metallic ladder with a perpendicular top which lies on a roof-type surface / échelle grise dont le haut repose sur une surface plane (The player can climb on it).
3A 06 :
3F 06 :
40 06 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
41 06 : Metallic ladder with a perpendicular top which lies on a roof-type surface / échelle grise dont le haut repose sur une surface plane (The player can climb on it).
42 06 :
43 06 :
44 06 :
45 06 : Breakable wall (The top is white and the bottom is blue-gray and formed of small squares).
4A 06 :
4B 06 : Rotating red antenna/radar with white vertical bands.
4C 06 :
4D 06 :
4E 06 : Alarm light (White item with a rotating red light).
4F 06 :
50 06 :
51 06 :
52 06 : Sentry robot.
53 06 :
54 06 :
55 06 :
56 06 :
57 06 :
58 06 : Ogre. Found in the file : mtl_picfunicular_ogre_belltower_a.drm .
59 06 :
5A 06 :
5B 06 :
5C 06 :
5D 06 :
5E 06 :
5F 06 :
60 06 :
70 06 :
80 06 :
90 06 :
95 06 :
9A 06 : Zeke Sanders. Found in the file : det1_samadministration_lieutenant_zekesanders.drm .
9F 06 : Red male face without a body. Turns towards the player. Found in the file : lieutenant_zekesanders.drm .
A0 06 : Josie Thorpe's dead body (If Jensen lets Sanders go with her). Found in file : s_det_sam_zeke_letgo_det_sam_administration.drm .
A5 06 :
AA 06 :
AF 06 :
B0 06 :
B1 06 :
B3 06 :
BA 06 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
BF 06 :
C0 06 : Sneaker.
D0 06 :
E0 06 : Special Ops Soldier with baklava. Found in the file : det1_femaexterior_soldier_belltower_a.drm ).
E1 06 : Special Ops Soldier with baklava.
E2 06 : Not tested. The code looks like a Special Ops Soldier with baklava.
E3 06 :
E4 06 : Not tested. The code looks like a Special Ops Soldier with baklava.
E5 06 :
E7 06 : Not tested. The code looks like a Special Ops Soldier with baklava.
E8 06 : Not tested. The code looks like a Special Ops Soldier with baklava.
E9 06 : Not tested. The code looks like a Special Ops Soldier with baklava.
EA 06 :
F0 06 :
FA 06 :
FF 06 : Hengsha metro train
0B 06 : BOSS Fedorova (She is immobile but she is marked as hostile, if the player attemps a takedown, she will counter attacks, tested in Sarif HQ and at Seurat's room, at the Limb Clinic she runs during the cutscene with Markovic=Glitch, found in file : npc_boss_federova.drm).
01 06 : Weapon Upgrade Special (Version 2) for the Heavy Rifle and the Plasma Rifle (In World).
08 06 : Hugh Darrow (moves but has no afraid animations, found in file : civilian_hughdarrow.drm ).
10 06 : Red valve which releases a small green gas smoke if the player actions it (This green gas has no effects on the player).
11 06 :
12 06 :
13 06 :
14 06 :
15 06 :
17 06 : Automatic Unlocking Device (In World).
18 06 :
19 06 : The big black-green sreen which composes the IA Computer Eliza (Found in file :  television_picus_bossfight.drm ).
1A 06 :
1B 06 :
1C 06 : Not tested. Found in the file : videocinematic.drm .
1D 06 :
1E 06 : Automatic Unlocking Device (In the player's hands).
1F 06 : Automatic Unlocking Device (ACTIVATED).
20 06 :
21 06 :
22 06 :
23 06 :
24 06 : Liquor chinese B (Red and white bottle) : Zhenchuan Moutai (In World).
25 06 :
26 06 :
27 06 :
28 06 :
29 06 :
2A 06 :
2B 06 :
2C 06 :
2D 06 : Gray female toilet door.
2E 06 : Gray door with written on it "Storage room P27".
2F 06 : Tiroir / mobile part of the drawer (Interactive item which can be opened, it can contain items). Found in the file : sch_picus_drawers_modulable_a.drm .
30 06 :
31 06 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
32 06 : Wine Bottle A : Great Wall Red Chardonnay (In World).
33 06 : Gray metallic ladder (Large, it hasn't any plain lower part. The player can climb on it).
34 06 : Rectangular glass with with a red drawing on it and the word "PICUS" on a corneer.
35 06 :
36 06 :
37 06 : Rectangular glass with a few posters on it.
38 06 :
39 06 :
3A 06 :
3B 06 :
3C 06 :
3D 06 :
3E 06 :
3F 06 :
40 06 :
50 06 :
59 06 : Belltower SNEAKER. Can turn invisible.
5A 06 : Gray door with glass (same model as 5B 06 and 5C 06 but this one open normally).
5B 06 : Double gray doors with glasses (interactive : If the player click on it, they open horizontally).
5C 06 : Double gray doors with glasses (interactive : If the player click on it, they open horizontally).
5D 06 : Gray glass door which open horizontally and which has written on it "Caution - Automatic Door".
5E 06 : Gray door with glass (same model as 5A 06, 5B 06 and 5C 06 but this one opens normally).
5F 06 : Gray door with even more glass than the 5A 06, 5B 06, 5C 06, 5D 06 and 5E 06 and which opens normally.
60 06 : Belltower SNEAKER. (Found inside the file "mtl_picrestrictedarea_sneaker_belltower_e.drm" ) .
61 06 :
62 06 :
63 06 : Belltower SNEAKER. Found inside the file "mtl_picrestrictedarea_sneaker_belltower_f.drm".
64 06 : Drawer, interactive (Found in file : sch_picus_drawers_restricted_a.drm ).
65 06 : Drawer, interactive (Found in file : sch_picus_drawers_restricted_b.drm ).
66 06 : Weapon Upgrade Special for Plasma Rifle and Heavy Rifle (In World).
67 06 :
68 06 :
69 06 : Long rectangular glass.
6A 06 :
6B 06 :
6C 06 :
6D 06 :
6E 06 :
6F 06 : Breakable wall (granit, with 3 small dark lignes at the lower part).
70 06 : Breakable wall (granit with a yellow-orange band in the middle).
71 06 :
72 06 :
73 06 :
74 06 :
75 06 :
76 06 :
77 06 :
78 06 :
79 06 : Ogre. Found in the file : ogre_black_a.drm .
7A 06 :
7B 06 : Red male face (Without a body). Reacts, doesn't seem to be afraid of the player if he enters into a red zone.
7C 06 :
7D 06 :
7E 06 :
7F 06 : Robot (Big, in military color, found in file : det1_femainterior_boxguard_a.drm )
80 06 : Credits (In Inventory).
81 06 :
82 06 :
83 06 : Belltower Spec Ops Soldier with backlava (Military green baklava, green eyes, no sleeves. Custom appearance).
84 06 :
85 06 :
86 06 :
87 06 :
88 06 :
89 06 :
8A 06 :
8B 06 :
8C 06 :
8D 06 :
8E 06 :
8F 06 : Belltower Spec Ops Soldier with casket (Rare Black face, gloves, armor without sleeves and red protections around the shoulders).
90 06 :
91 06 :
92 06 : FEMA officer / official (Bald, light gray shirt with the FEMA logo on it, black pants, brown shoes, tools attached to his belt). Found in the : file det1_femainterior_deskcop_femaofficial_b.drm .
93 06 : FEMA officer / official. Found in the file : det1_femainterior_deskcop_femaofficial_a.drm .
94 06 :
95 06 :
96 06 :
97 06 :
98 06 :
99 06 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
9A 06 : Zeke Sanders.
9B 06 :
9C 06 :
9D 06 :
9E 06 :
9F 06 :
A0 06 : Josie Thorpe dead Found in file : det1_samadministration_corpse_josiethorpe_b.drm ).
A1 06 :
A2 06 : Swat policeman with full closed helmet.
A3 06 :
A4 06 : Swat policeman with full closed helmet.
A5 06 :
A6 06 :
A7 06 : Corpse of Josie Thorpe (Found in file : det1_samadministration_corpse_josiethorpe_a.drm ).
A8 06 : Blood splatter (It appears around Josie Thorpe if Zeke Sanders manages to kill her in the Milwaukee Plant Factory Mission).
A9 06 :
AA 06 :
AB 06 :
AC 06 :
AD 06 :
AE 06 :
AF 06 :
B0 06 :
C0 06 :
D0 06 :
E0 06 :
E5 06 :
EA 06 : Belltower special ops soldier with casket (Hispanic, moustache, short sleeves, gloves, not augmented).
EB 06 :
EC 06 :
ED 06 :
EE 06 :
EF 06 :
F0 06 : Belltower Crazy medium guard. (Found in file pan_hangar_crazymediumguard_belltower_c.drm).
F1 06 : Belltower Crazy medium guard. (Found in file pan_tower_crazymediumguard_belltower_b.drm).
F2 06 :
F3 06 :
F4 06 : Belltower Crazy medium guard. (Found in file pan_tower_crazymediumguard_belltower_a.drm). Invoquer ce personnage dans cache de Seurat et faire une vidéo intitulé : Deus Ex Human Resurrection : Walking Dead (Human Revolution mod xD).
FF 06 :
00 07 : Belltower special ops soldier with baklava.
01 07 :
02 07 :
03 07 :
04 07 : Belltower special ops soldier with baklava.
05 07 :
06 07 :
07 07 :
08 07 :
09 07 :
0A 07 : Ogre (He has the Typhoon by default). Found in the file : mtl_pictv_ogre_belltower_a.drm .
0B 07 : Mechanics Crazy (Seen in Panchea)
0C 07 : Dead female civilian (White, light brown short hairs, light green vest, creme pants, black female shoes).
0D 07 : Crazy Belltower Heavy soldier with full helmet.
0E 07 : Metal Texture (Only visible from one side, invisible/transparent on the other side).
0F 07 : Adam Jensen (Immobile, can replace an item, used in the cutscene at the start of the Omega Ranch level : s_scn_cut_omg_thearrival_sin_omega_exterior.drm ".
10 07 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
11 07 : Nahari Kahn (Immobile, found in file : cinematic_narharikhan.drm et s_scn_cut_eavesdropping_sha_city_thehive.drm : Probablement la cinématique entre lui et Tong dans le sous-sol du Hive).
12 07 : Tong Si Hung (Immobile, found in file : cinematic_tongsihung_hive.drm et s_scn_cut_eavesdropping_sha_city_thehive.drm ).
13 07 : Cigare (Found in file : s_scn_cut_eavesdropping_sha_city_thehive.drm ).
14 07 : Stasis Pod (Used by Jensen to travel from Hengsha to the Omega Ranch, used in the file : s_scn_cut_omg_thearrival_sin_omega_exterior.drm ).
15 07 : Lawrence Barrets (Immobile, found in the file : cinematic_barrett.drm ).
16 07 : Damaged Glass window (16 07 00)
17 07 : Placard mural (17 07 00)
18 07 : Pivotating office chair (18 07 00)
19 07 : Gray-blue glass which reflects light (and composed of little squares).
1A 07 : Tim Carella with Coat.
1B 07 : Red male face (without a body). With afraid animations. Found in the file : civilian_sq_carrella.drm .
1C 07 : P-Gee (The black drugs dealer who is found near Seurat's storage room in Detroit Downtown appartment, Found in file : det1_cityaptbck1_lieutenant_sq_dizzy.drm ).
1D 07 : Bee-K (The white drugs dealer who is found near Seurat's storage room in Detroit Downtown appartment, Found in file : det1_cityaptbck1_striker_sq_tiny.drm ).
1E 07 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
1F 07 : Red male face (without a body, P-Gee's animation).
20 07 : Red male face (without a body).
21 07 : Tim Carella with lab Coat and protective glasses.
22 07 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
23 07 : Brian Tindall (Used in file : s_scn_det01_sq01_tindallgasstation_det_city_sarif.drm ).
24 07 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
25 07 : Red male face (without a body). With afraid animations.
26 07 : Brian Tindall (Found in file : s_scn_det01_sq01_tindallpostquestdead_det_city_aptbck1.drm , s_scn_det01_sq01_tindallpostquestneg_det_city_aptbck1.drm and s_scn_det01_sq01_tindallpostquestpos_det_city_aptbck1.drm).
27 07 : Junky - (The drugs addicted punk who is searching for Brian Tindall in his appartment with a shotgun during the Tim Carella Quest).
28 07 : Red male face (without a body).
29 07 : Cassandra Reed (Used in several files, including : s_scn_det01_sq02_cassandra_end_det_adam_apt_a.drm).
2A 07 : Red female face with green hairs (without a body). With afraid animations.
2B 07 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
2C 07 : Megan's bracelet.
2D 07 : Security keycode (Sometimes, this code is followed by 2 values : Like for exampele E9 03). PS : it is found in the file "so_non_interactive_keypad_a.drm" and "s_scn_det01_sq02_locker_pre_det_city_police.drm and s_scn_det02_sq01_depot_before_det_city_police.drm .
2E 07 : Christian Charest ("Chase") , the ex-cop whom Jensen meets in the first part of the side quest given by Cassandra Reed.
2F 07 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
30 07 : Red male face (without a body).
31 07 : Chet Wagner.
32 07 : Black female civilian (Short hairs, gray outfit, gray women's shoes. The girl who is near the police station).
33 07 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
34 07 : Red male face (without a body).
35 07 : Crossbow (In World).
36 07 : Upgrade Crossbow (In the player's hands).
37 07 : Upgraded Crossbow (In World).
38 07 : Crossbow (In the player's hands).
39 07 : Red male face (without a body).
3A 07 : Double T (The MCB gang member who sometimes appears outside the level during the Cloak & Dagger Quest). (Found in the file : det1_cityaptbck2_lieutenant_sq_doublet.drm . Other file which seems to concern him : lieutenant_sq_doublet.drm .
3B 07 : MCB gang member (White, black bandana hiding his face, augmented arms).
3C 07 : MCB gang member (White, black hairs, blue eyes, black bandana hiding his face, augmented arms, normal legs, pants).
3D 07 : MCB Gang member (White, light brown hairs, blue eyes, augmented arms, normal legs, pants, Found in the file : det1_cityaptbck2_lowlife_mcb_b.drm ).
3E 07 :
3F 07 : Red male face (Without a body). Reacts, doesn't seem to be afraid of the player if he enters into a red zone. Probably Double T's animations file : Found in the file : lieutenant_sq_doublet.drm .
40 07 :
41 07 : Jack O'Malley (Moves, found in file : det1_citypolice_striker_sq_omalley.drm ).
42 07 :
43 07 : Brown letter (Payoff from O'Malley).
44 07 : Found in the file : base_conversation_3rd_person_cast.drm .
45 07 : Darin Stevens (White skin, light brown hairs, black costume with a black tie, leader of the men in black sent to Detroit by Darrow during the secondary quest with Bred Radford).
46 07 : Augmented security guy (White, black hairs, vest just like the one used by Grayson but it is black, black gloves, sunglasses, augmented eyes without iris, black pants, black shoes, ear device to hear communications). Found in the file : det2_citypolice_striker_darrinbodyguard_c.drm .
47 07 : Augmented security guy (Black skin, vest just like the one used by Grayson but it is black, black gloves, sunglasses, augmented eyes without iris, black pants, black shoes, ear device to hear communications). Found in the file : det2_citypolice_striker_darrinbodyguard_b.drm .
48 07 : Augmented security guy (White, light brown hairs, vest just like the one used by Grayson but it is black, black gloves, sunglasses, augmented eyes without iris, black pants, black shoes, ear device to hear communications). Found in the file : det2_citypolice_striker_darrinbodyguard_d.drm .
49 07 : Childhood photos of Adam Jensen, Quest item (In World). Found in file : det02_sq01_acquaintancesforgotten_world.drm .
4A 07 :
4B 07 :
4C 07 : Red male face (without a body). Found in the file bodyguard_black_b.drm ).
4D 07 :
4E 07 :
4F 07 : Police band with written : "Investigation - Crime Scene - Do not enter".
50 07 : Brent Radford (The detective who investigated Jensen at Sarif's request). Found in the file : det2_cityaptbck2_civilian_sq01_brentradford.drm .
51 07 : Man in black (White, brown hairs, green eyes, black costume, black tie, black gloves, white shirt, black shoes). Found in the file : det2_cityaptbck2_striker_darrinbodyguard_a.drm .
52 07 : Trauma Kit, Quest item (In World). Found in file : det02_sq01_traumakit_world.drm (= Added in Redford's appartment by the quest) et in file pickup_database.drm (Item's characteristics) .
53 07 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : tier1_det02_sq01a.drm ).
54 07 :
55 07 :
56 07 : Michelle Walthers (The old nurse who took care of Jensen when he was a baby). Found in the file : det2_cityaptbck1_civilian_sq_michellewalthers.drm .
57 07 :
58 07 : Red female face (Found in the file : civilian_sq_michellewalthers.drm ).
59 07 : Policeman Nicholas (Used by s_scn_det02_sq03_nicholasoverheard_det_city_sarif.drm).
5A 07 :
5B 07 : Gas bomb (Found in the file : gas_bomb_b.drm). There is another one (11 03) and it is exactly the same item. One must be used by the Puritity First members in the Manufacturing Plant mission and the other one by Jacob White in the Smash the State Mission.  
5C 07 : Jacob White (Found in file : det2_citysewerspolice_lieutenant_sq_jacobwhite.drm ).
5D 07 : Red male face (without a body, says "who's there ?" and turns towards the player).
5E 07 :
5F 07 : Female civilian (Black skin, afro hairs, gray and black outftit).
60 07 :
61 07 :
62 07 : Female civilian (White skin, dark pink hairs, sunglasses, green cloak, dark green polo, gray pants, black boots, beautiful girl).
63 07 :
64 07 : Caucasian male civilian (White, old, white beard, gray eyes, blue working outfit). Found in the file : det1_adamapt_civilian_claytongreen.drm .
65 07 : Sherri Ter Horst, the Chiron hotel receptionist.
66 07 :
67 07 :
68 07 : Paper with written on it "Out of order". Found in the file : so_det_adams_outoforder_elevator_a.drm .
69 07 :
6A 07 : Black male civilian (light red worker's outfit, gray shoes).
6B 07 : Messed up 3D model of Adam Jensen, immobile (Found in file : cinematic_jensen_comando.drm ).
6C 07 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
6D 07 :
6E 07 :
6F 07 : Greg Thorpe
70 07 :
71 07 :
72 07 : MCB Gang member (Black skin, light brown eyes, Yellow bandana on the head, augmented arms, normal legs, short pants, black shoes). Found in the file : det1_cityaptbck2_striker_mcb_a.drm .
73 07 : MCB Gang member (White, brown hairs, green eyes, black cap hiding half of his face, augmented arms, normal legs). Found in the file : det1_cityaptbck2_lowlife_mcb_a.drm .
74 07 : Prostitute (White, big red mouth, sleeping glasses, black revealing outfit, black boots, she is the girl lying in Seurat's bedroom). Found in the file : det1_cityback2_civilian_female_prostitute_b.drm .
75 07 :
76 07 : Seurat (Black Market Merchant, he moves (Detroit 1 version) : Found in the file : det1_cityaptbck2_wepmerchant_seurat.drm).
77 07 : Seurat's Bodyguard 1 (White, black leather jacket, dark green shirt).
78 07 :
79 07 : Invisible or the item is below the ground. Found in the file : occupation_bedsleep.drm .
7A 07 : Red male face (Without a body). Reacts, doesn't seem to be afraid of the player if he enters into a red zone (It is the animations file for Seurat's second guard).
7B 07 :
7C 07 : Red male face (Without a body). Seurat's animations. Found in the file : wepmerchant_seurat.drm .
7D 07 :
7E 07 : White male civilian Hobo (Black hat, 3-days beard, red shirt, brown vest without sleeves, blue pants with lignes, dark boots).
7F 07 :
80 07 :
81 07 : Black male civilian (Gray eyes, 3-days beard, 40-50yo guy, light-green sweatshirt with small horizontal lignes, gloves which don't cover the fingers, white pants, black mountain shoes with red socket).
85 07 :
86 07 : DRB gang member (White, red bandana, gray vest with "Solid" written on it, red shirt with "since 2000" written on it, short pants, black shoes).
87 07 : DRB gang member (Black, red bandana covering the face, red vest with no sleeves, white shirt with black writting on it, short pants, black sport shoes).
88 07 :
89 07 : DRB gang member (Black, white bandana covering the face, blue eyes, red vest without sleeves, white shirt with black writting on it, white sport shoes).
8A 07 :
8B 07 :
8C 07 :
8D 07 :
8E 07 :
8F 07 :
90 07 : DRB gang member (White skin, brown hairs, blue eyes, earring, beard, red vest without sleeves, white shirt with black writtings on it, beige pants, white sport shoes).
92 07 : DRB gang member (Black, red vest without sleeves, white shirt with black writtings on it, beige pants, white sport shoes).
93 07 :
94 07 :
95 07 :
96 07 :
97 07 : DRB Gang member (White, red bandana, gray vest with "Solid" written on it, red shirt with "since 2000" written on it, short pants, black shoes).
98 07 :
99 07 :
9A 07 :
A0 07 :
A3 07 : Punk (White, red spiked hairs, military pants).
A8 07 :
A9 07 : White female civilian (Brown short hairs, green eyes, dark coat, dark blue skirt, black panties, black female shoes, same face as Nina Sullivan). Found in the file : det1_citypolice_civilian_female_civilian_a.drm .
AA 07 : White female civilian (Blond, green eyes, big earrings, brown coat, black and green/gray skirt, black panties, red female shoes). Found in the file : det1_citypolice_civilian_female_civilian_d.drm .
AB 07 : Black male civilian Hobo (Black casquette, big gray pullover, black pants, black sport shoes with red sole / sock).
AC 07 : White male civilian Hobo (Brown cap, moustache, gray vest, black and white modern polo, gray military pants, mountain shoes).
AD 07 : Latina Female Civilian (Brown skin, light brown hairs, green eyes, dark gray jacket, black sexy pants, black female shoes). Found in the file : det1_citypolice_civilian_female_civilian_e.drm .
AE 07 : Black male civilian (Rare round face, goatee beard, white modern polo, dark gray vest, black pants, black shoes).
AF 07 : Prostitute (Pink hairs, white skin, blue eyes, orange outfit). Found in the file : det1_citypolice_civilian_female_prostitute_c.drm .
B0 07 : Prostitute (Blond hairs, green eyes, black and gray outfit). She looks a lot like Cindy, the Sarif HQ's receptionist. Found in the file : det1_citypolice_civilian_female_prostitute_d.drm .
B1 07 : Prostitute (Latin skin, green eyes, whit revealing top, small black shirt, boots). Found in the file : det1_citypolice_civilian_female_prostitute_e.drm .
B2 07 : Black male civilian (Black hat, brown vest, gray shirt with vertical lignes, gloves which don't cover the finger tips, dark gray pants, black and white sport shoes). Very styled NPC.
B3 07 : Prostitute Charlotte (White, brown hairs, sunglasses, black outfit, black boots). det1_citypolice_civilian_female_prostitute_f.drm .
B4 07 : Black male civilian (dark green-gray coat, black pants, dark shoes).
B5 07 : White male civilian hobo (White casket, gray vest, blue-white pants, boots, gloves which don't cover the finger tips).
B6 07 : Black male civilian (Dark gray modern vest with one light gray shoulder, green-gray shirt, black pants, gray shoes, the face is identical to the Grayson bodyguard's).
B7 07 : Black male civilian (Ligh brown vest, modern polo with white and black horizontal lignes, black modern pants, black shoes).
B8 07 :
B9 07 :
BA 07 : White male civilian (Grayson's face, glasses, brown hairs, black jacket, 1 shirt, 1 pull, gray pants, dark shoes). Found in the file : det1_citypolice_civilian_male_generic_b.drm .
BB 07 :
BC 07 : Black male civilian (Glasses, black vest, dark red polo, gray pants, dark shoes, face is the same as Grayson's bodyguard).
BD 07 : Big vertical grid found in the Convention Center.
BE 07 : Riot policeman (Heavy armor, full helmet).
BF 07 : Detroit policeman (White skin, blue eyes, black armor, helmet and gas mask, no shoulders protection).
C0 07 :
C1 07 :
C2 07 :
C3 07 : Detroit policeman (Black Skin, Black armor, helmet, gas mask, augmented arms). Found in the file : det1_citysarif_streetcop_detpolice_j.drm .
C4 07 : White male civilian Punk (Skinhead, green eyes, dark gray vest without sleeves, white shirt, gray short pants with inequal lenght, gray boots, brown gloves which don't cover the finger tips).
C5 07 : White male civilian Punk (Brown spiked hairs, Dark grey vest, red shirt with horizontal black lignes, damaged dark gray jeans, boots, brown gloves which don't cover the finger tips).
C6 07 :
C7 07 : Black male civilian Punk (Green spiked hairs, gray eyes, brown coat, black shirt with flames on it, damaged blue jeans, boots, gloves which don't cover the finger tips).
C8 07 : Metal barrier. (Found in several files, including : s_scn_det2_city_sewerspolice_det_city_sewerspolice.drm .
C9 07 :
CA 07 :
CB 07 : Invisible or the item is below the ground. But blocks the player's path.
CD 07 :
CE 07 : Yellow bands with "Do not cross" written on them.
CF 07 :
D0 07 :
D1 07 :
D2 07 :
D3 07 :
D4 07 :
D5 07 : Black male civilian (Black hat, Grayson's vest but gray, gray pants, dark gray shoes). He looks like a rich guy from the 30s.
D6 07 :
D7 07 : Black male civilian (Gray vest in the same style as Grayson's, light gray pants, black shoes, looks like a upper-class black guy).
D8 07 :
D9 07 : Black male civilian hobo (With a bonnet on his head).
DA 07 : White female civilian (Latina skin, dark blond hairs / Light brown hairs, green eyes, earring, black bandana, black modern jacket, dark gray shirt, dark violet pants, female shoes). Found in the file : det1_citysarif_civilian_female_civilian_b.drm .
DB 07 : Black male civilian (MCB leader's head, gray modern 2 shirt and vest, gray pants, gray shoes). Found in the file :  det1_citysarif_civilian_male_civilian_c.drm
DC 07 :
DD 07 :
DE 07 :
DF 07 : White male civilian (Black hat, long brown-gray coat, gray pants, dark gray shoes). Found in the file : det1_citysarif_civilian_male_civilian_f.drm .
E0 07 : Black male civilian (Green modern outfit, gray pants, black shoes).
E4 07 : White male civilian (Blond hairs, brown eyes, 3-days beard, modern white shirt, dark brown modern pants, black shoes).
E5 07 :
E6 07 : White male civilian (Glasses, dark gray modern 1 shirt, dark gray pants, black shoes). Found in the file : det1_citysarif_civilian_male_officeworker_g.drm .
E7 07 :
E8 07 : Black male civilian (Dark red modern shirt, black modern pants, black shoes). He is seen is the Sarif HQ Cafeteria during the Detroit 2 riot. Found in file : det1_citysarif_civilian_male_officeworker_h.drm .
E9 07 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
EA 07 : White male civilian hobo (long brown hairs, red and green vest without sleeves, blue sleeves, pants, boots).
EB 07 :
EC 07 :
ED 07 :
EE 07 :
EF 07 :
F0 07 :
F5 07 :
F6 07 : Black male civilian Punk (Spiked black hairs, glasses, red vest, black shirt, dark green pants, black shoes).
F7 07 : Black male civilian hobo (Dark green-brown vest, dark blue turquoise shirt, old green pants with vertical lignes, boots, black gloves which don't cover the finger tips).
F8 07 :
F9 07 :
FA 07 :
FA 07 :
FB 07 :
FC 07 :
FD 07 :
FE 07 : White male DRB gang member (Long brown hairs, blue eyes, short). Found in the file : det1_citytransindustrial_lowlife_drb_d.drm .
FF 07 :
00 08 :
05 08 :
0F 08 : White male civilian (Brown hairs, nice black and gray shirt, black pants, gray shoes).
01 08 : Black male DRB gang member (Blue eyes, red bandana, short). Found in the file : det1_citytransindustrial_striker_drb_a.drm .
02 08 :
03 08 :
04 08 :
05 08 :
06 08 : A male civilian (not tested). Found in the file : det1_citytunnel1_civilian_male_officeworker_b.drm .
07 08 :
08 08 :
09 08 :
0A 08 : White male punk (Few gray hairs on the side, dark green shirt with short sleeves, gloves which don't cover the finger tips, white belt, black pants, dark gray shoes).
0B 08 :
0C 08 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
0D 08 :
0E 08 :
0F 08 : A male civilian (not tested). Found in the file : det1_citytunnel1_civilian_male_civilian_c.drm .
10 08 : Black male civilian (Black buffy vest without sleeves, dark gray sleeves, black pants, dark gray shoes).
15 08 :
1A 08 :
1B 08 : Black Purity First member (Blue vest, green pants, boots).
1C 08 :
1D 08 : Zeke Sanders
1E 08 : Red male face without a body.
1F 08 :
20 08 : Zeke's Sanders' body (Found in the Zek Sanders dead file : In game the player can see this "item" in the Police's morgue if he has killed Zeke's Sanders during the Mission at the Manufacturing Plant).
25 08 :
26 08 :
27 08 :
28 08 :
29 08 :
2A 08 :
2B 08 :
2C 08 :
2D 08 : David Sarif (turns towards the player, found in file : det2_adamapt_civilian_davidsarif.drm ).
2E 08 :
2F 08 :
30 08 :
31 08 :
32 08 : Seurat's additional guard 2 (White, light brown hairs, leather jacket).
33 08 : Seurat's additional guard 1 (In replacement if the first guard if he has died during Detroit 1). Black, leather jacket, dark green shirt, dark pants and shoes.
34 08 : Seurat (Detroit 2 version or version where the player has saved Jodie and her husband ?), the 2nd Black Market Merchant in Detroit (Used in the Seurat file which also contains the items he sells during the Detroit 2 visit)
35 08 : Weapon Upgrade Special for the Rocket Launcher (In World).
36 08 : Weapon Upgrade Special for the Crossbow and Tranquilizer Gun (In World).
37 08 :
38 08 :
39 08 :
3A 08 :
3B 08 :
3C 08 :
3D 08 :
3E 08 : Zeke Sanders. Found in the file : det2_cityaptindus1_riotcop_zekesanders.drm .
3F 08 :
40 08 : Red male face without a body. Found in the file : riotcop_zekesanders.drm .
41 08 :
42 08 :
43 08 :
44 08 :
45 08 : White male civilian Hobo (Vest with green and red squares, dirty hands)
46 08 :
47 08 : White male civilian (Light brown hairs, dark blue eyes, white vest without sleeves, dark blue sleeves, green working pants, dark shoes). Found in the file : det2_cityback1_civilian_male_generic_a.drm .
48 08 : Black male civilian (Rare face, brown vest, black and red shirt, dark green pants, dark brown shoes). Found in the file : det2_cityback1_civilian_male_generic_b.drm .
49 08 :
4A 08 :
4B 08 : White male civilian Hobo (Vest with green and red squares, gloves which don't cover the finger tips, dirty hands)
4C 08 :
4D 08 : Black male civilian (Sunglasses, blue-gray shirt, green-brown vest, black pants, gray shoes). Found in the file : det2_cityback2_civilian_male_generic_b.drm .
4E 08 :
4F 08 : White male civilian (brown hairs, gray brown vest, brown and green shirt, dark blue green working pants, black shoes).
50 08 :
51 08 :
52 08 : White male civilian (brown hairs, blue eyes, black buffy vest without sleeves, dark blue sleeves, black pants, black sport shoes with red sock / sole ).
55 08 :
5A 08 :
60 08 :
6A 08 : Detroit policeman (Orange armor with helmet, no shoulders protection, white guy, moustache).
70 08 : White male civilian Punk (Green hairs, black shirt, white pants, boots).
75 08 :
79 08 : Black male civilian (fully augmented arms: they are red and black, blue buffy vest without sleeves, dark sport pants with a band, white sport shoes).
7A 08 :
80 08 :
85 08 :
88 08 : White male civilian (Custom Grayson's face, glasses, gray-gold-brown vest, dark gray shirt with decoration, gray pants, black shoes).
89 08 :
8A 08 :
8B 08 :
8C 08 : Big police robot seen during the Detroit Riot (Detroit 2). Found in the file : det2_citysarif_boxguard_a.drm .
8D 08 : Police (HEAVY black armor, no helmet, black guy. Not the swat guy at the beginning but he looks alike).
8E 08 : Detroit policeman (Orange armor with helmet, white skin, blue eyes).
8F 08 : Detroit policeman (Black skin, black armor, helmet closed).
90 08 : Detroit policeman (Orange armor with helmet and gas mask).
91 08 :
92 08 :
93 08 : Detroit Police heavy robot. Found in the file : det2_citysarif_boxguard_c.drm .
94 08 :
95 08 :
9A 08 :
9E 08 :
9F 08 : Detroit riot policeman with full closed helmet.
A0 08 :
A1 08 : Detroit riot policeman (Heavy armor, full face helmet). Found in the file : det2_citysarif_riotcop_detpolice_j.drm .
A5 08 :
AF 08 :
B0 08 : Detroit riot policeman (Full closed helmet, all black attire, heavy armor).
B1 08 : Detroit policeman (Orange armor, helmet, gas mask, black skin).
B2 08 :
B3 08 :
B4 08 :
B5 08 :
B6 08 : Riot police truck (Big) Found in file : so_det_riot_truck_police_a.drm .
B7 08 : Triangular plots (the ones use by workers to delimitate a zone to not cross).
B8 08 :
B9 08 : Invisible or the item is below the ground. But blocks the player's path. It is an invisible barrier. Found in the file : so_det2_riot_barricade_naviplayer_a.drm .
BA 08 : Gyrophare (Red and blue alternative lights which are found on the police cars).
BB 08 :
BC 08 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : fx_det2_city_planar_smoke.drm ).
BD 08 :
BE 08 :
BF 08 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
C0 08 :
C1 08 :
C2 08 : Not tested. Found in the file : riotcop_black_a.drm .
C3 08 : Red male face (without a body). Turns toward the player. Found in the file : riotcop_white_a.drm .
C4 08 :
C5 08 :
C6 08 :
C7 08 : Tonfa.
C8 08 :
C9 08 : Weapon Upgrade Special for the Revolver (In World).
CA 08 :
CB 08 :
CC 08 :
CD 08 :
CE 08 :
CF 08 :
D0 08 :
D5 08 :
DA 08 :
DB 08 : Gate in metal with locks on it. (It is the one which prevents the player to reach the 3rd stage of the Hengsha Capsule Pods Level. The file of this item is : so_gate_capsule_close_a . Idea: Try to fight it inside a level and test what happens if it is replaced :)
DC 08 :
DD 08 :
DE 08 :
DF 08 :
E0 08 :
E1 08 : Female civilian (White-latino, red ear rings, short black hairs, white shirt, green jacket, beige pants, female spiked shoes).
E7 08 : White male Security Guard (Moustache, sunglasses, black costume with a tie, white shirt, black shoes).
EA 08 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
EB 08 : ça ressemble à une tour d'ordinateur (Celui de Taggart dans le Convention Center).
F0 08 :
F8 08 : Taggart's body guard (Black skin, sunglasses, black outfit with black ties, just like Darrin Steven's costume ). Found in the file : det2_citydetroit2_striker_taggartguard_p.drm
F9 08 :
FA 08 :
FF 08 : Latino male civilian (gray eyes, sun-tanned white skin, nice rare modern black shirt with decorated pockets, modern black pants, black shoes). Found in the file : det2_citydetroit2_civilian_male_generic_l.drm .
00 09 :
05 09 : White male civilian (Light-brown hairs, 3-days beard, modern white shirt with a pocket on the pectoral, rare modern black pants, black shoes).
0B 09 : Black male civilian worker (Rare Black face with a little beard, red working outfit, red casket, working gloves, black shoes).
0C 09 : Asian male civilian (Young, black hairs, white protective glasses, dark manual worker outfit, black shoes). Found in the file : det2_citydetroit2_civilian_male_bluecollar_a.drm .
0D 09 : Black male civilian (Gray modern shirt, light gray pants, black shoes). Found in the file : det2_citydetroit2_civilian_male_generic_a.drm .
0E 09 :
0F 09 :
10 09 :
12 09 : Red male face (without a body). Found in the file bodyguard_black_a.drm .
13 09 : Rhonda Halliday (Black female civilian, yeux maquillés, short hairs, beautiful white shirt with decorated shoulders, black dress, black shoes).
14 09 :
15 09 :
16 09 :
17 09 : White male civilian (brown hairs, light gray shirt with short sleeves, black pants, black shoes). Found in the file : det2_citydetroit2_civilian_male_generic_b.drm .
18 09 : Black male civilian (Polo, light modern pants, black shoes).
19 09 :
1A 09 :
1B 09 :
1C 09 :
1D 09 :
1E 09 :
1F 09 :
20 09 :
21 09 : White male civilian (Grayson's face, looks like a barman : Shirt with short sleeves, barman vest, pants, shoes).
25 09 :
2A 09 :
30 09 :
31 09 :
32 09 :
33 09 : Black office chair (with lignes, used by Sandoval, found in file : s_scn_det2_sewersindus_sandoval_chair_det_city_sewersindus.drm and also : chair_a.drm).
34 09 :
35 09 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
36 09 :
37 09 :
38 09 : Belltower special ops soldier with casket (Grayson face, blue eyes, Augmented, can turn invisible, found in file :  det1_femaexterior_shifter_belltower_a.drm ).
39 09 : Fema boxguard : Big Robot used by FEMA (Found in the file : det1_femaelevator_boxguard_a.drm ).
3A 09 : Belltower special ops soldier with baklava. Used in the file : det1_femaelevator_background_belltower.drm .
3B 09 : Belltower special ops soldier with casket (Grayson face, blue eyes, Augmented).
3C 09 :
3D 09 :
3E 09 : Doctor Vera Marcovic (she just turns towards the player, found in file : det1_citylimbclinic_civilian_veramarcovic_oproom.drm ).
3F 09 :
40 09 :
41 09 :
42 09 :
43 09 : Doctor Vera Marcovic (She has afraid animations, found in file : det1_citylimbclinic_limbmerchant_veramarcovic.drm ).
44 09 :
45 09 :
46 09 :
47 09 : White female civilian (Blond, green eyes, grey business clothes).
48 09 :
49 09 :
4A 09 :
4B 09 : White male civilian (Blond-brown hairs, blue eyes, 3-days facial hairs, red shirt, green-brown vest with paterns on the shoulders and short sleeves, black pants and black shoes).
4C 09 : White male doctor (Semi-long brown hairs, Limb Clinic worker, no tools on the shirt).
4D 09 : Black male doctor (Same face as the MCB leader near the FEMA factory, white sweat, blue "col", brown pants, black shoes, Limb Clinic worker).
4E 09 : Jennifer Klugman (White female doctor, short brun-red hairs, white vest, blue shirt, dark pants, black shoes, stylo in the vest's pocket + examination equipment).
4F 09 : White man doctor (Light brown Punk-syled hairs, 1 earring, Limb Clinic worker). Found in the file : det1_citylimbclinic_civilian_male_doctor_i.drm .
50 09 : Detroit policeman (Black outfit, helmet, Grayson face, gloves which don't covert the finger tips). Found in the file : det1_citylimbclinic_streetcop_detpolice_a.drm .
51 09 :
52 09 : Black female doctor (She works in the Limb Clinic).
53 09 : White male doctor (White shirt with tools on it, face like Grayson's, Limb Clinic worker).
54 09 : Black male scientist (Glasses, beard, white protective clothes, green gloves, black pants, black shoes).
55 09 :
5A 09 :
5B 09 :
5C 09 : Purity First member (Blak custom face, blue shirt, ammunitions around the belt, dark pants, knees protection, boots, brown glove which don't covert the finger tips but they are covered by another thing).
5D 09 :
5E 09 :
5F 09 :
60 09 :
61 09 :
62 09 :
63 09 : Dead body (Sarif industry technician : White man, white shirt with orange bands, brown pants, black shoes, yellow/black gloves, belt with tools).
64 09 : Red male face (without a body), turns to face the player.
65 09 :
66 09 :
67 09 :
68 09 :
69 09 :
6A 09 : Greg Thorpe (Found in the file : det1_samassembly_civilian_gregthorpe.drm ).
6B 09 :
6C 09 : Swat policeman (Found in the file : det1_samadministration_streetcop_swat_x.drm ).
6D 09 : Swat policeman (Found in the file : det1_samadministration_streetcop_swat_v.drm ).
6E 09 :
6F 09 :
70 09 :
75 09 :
7A 09 :
7C 09 :
80 09 :
81 09 :
82 09 :
83 09 :
84 09 :
85 09 :
86 09 : Purity First member (White, punk-type-brown hairs, found in file : det1_samextwarehouse_lowlife_purityfirst_e.drm ).
87 09 :
88 09 :
89 09 :
8A 09 :
8B 09 :
8C 09 : Purity First member (White, beard+half shaved, found in file : det1_samextwarehouse_lowlife_purityfirst_n.drm ).
8D 09 :
8E 09 :
8F 09 : Purity First member (White, thin beard below the mouth, green outfit, heavy belt, knees protection, black boots ).
90 09 :
91 09 :
95 09 :
99 09 : Swat policeman. Found in the file : det1_samadministration_streetcop_swat_p.drm .
9A 09 : Faridah Malik (Is animated but stands, she isn't afraid even when the player is in a forbidden area and just turn herself to face him).
9B 09 :
9C 09 :
9D 09 :
9E 09 :
9F 09 :
A0 09 :
A5 09 :
AA 09 :
AC 09 : Detroit SWAT policeman (heavy armored black outfit with gas mask). Found in the file : det1_samrestrictedarea_streetcop_swat_j.drm .
AF 09 :
B0 09 : Purity First member (Black, green shirt, ammunitions, gloves which don't cover the finger tips, knees protection, dark blue pants, boots).
B1 09 : Purity First member (Black, shirt red+green).
B2 09 : Faridah Malik (She is animated but stands and isn't afraid even when the player is in a forbidden area and just turn herself to face him).
B3 09 :
BA 09 :
BC 09 :
C0 09 : White civilian (Moustache, brown hairs with a "mèche", looks like a 45yo guy, gray vest, black shirt, dark-gray pants and gray shoes).
C1 09 :
C2 09 :
C3 09 :
C4 09 : Franck Pritchard.
C5 09 :
C9 09 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
CA 09 :
CF 09 :
D0 09 :
E0 09 :
E1 09 :
E2 09 :
E3 09 :
E4 09 :
E5 09 :
E6 09 :
E7 09 :
E8 09 :
E9 09 : Invisible or the item is below the ground. But blocks the way. Found in the file : so_det_sarif_industries_part01_bathroom_col_a.drm .
EA 09 : Not tested. Found in the file : tier1_hq01_cp06a.drm .
EB 09 : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file "tier1_cindyreceptionist_sarifhq.drm").
EC 09 : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
ED 09 : Franck Pritchard (has afraid animation, found in file : civilian_pritchard.drm ).
EE 09 : Athene Margoulis (Sarif's secretary).
EF 09 : White female civilian (blond-brown short hairs, green eyes, green-gray switshirt, black pants, black sandals).
F0 09 : Cindy (Sarif's receptionist). Found in the file : sarifhq_lobbypart2_civilian_female_receptionist_a.drm .
F5 09 :
FA 09 :
FC 09 :
FF 09 :
00 0A :
10 0A :
11 0A :
12 0A :
13 0A :
14 0A :
15 0A :
16 0A :
17 0A :
18 0A :
19 0A :
1A 0A :
1B 0A :
1C 0A :
1D 0A : Sarif Industries Security Guard (White male, red/black casket, bulletproof vest, red tie, dark blue pants, black shoes).
1E 0A :
1F 0A :
20 0A : Sarif Industries Security Guard (Black male, red/black casket, bulletproof vest, red tie, dark blue pants, black shoes).
21 0A :
22 0A :
23 0A :
24 0A : Faridah Malik (Used in the file : hl_det_police_adam.drm ? Not sure).
25 0A :
26 0A : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
27 0A : Broom (Found in the file : lw_broom_janitor_a.drm ).
28 0A : David Sarif (Used in a file which refers to Pritchard).
29 0A : Frank Pritchard.
30 0A :
31 0A :
32 0A :
33 0A :
34 0A : Frank Pritchard.
40 0A :
50 0A :
60 0A :
61 0A :
62 0A : Invisible or the item is below the ground. Found in the file : sarif_industries_part03_baseball_support.drm .
63 0A :
64 0A : Invisible or the item is below the ground. Found in the file : tier1_det01_manoftheworld.drm .
65 0A : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
66 0A :
67 0A :
68 0A : Baseball ball (Balle de baseball, celle qui est sur le bureau de David Sarif).
69 0A :
6A 0A :
6B 0A :
6C 0A :
6D 0A : Black female civilian (Short hairs, dark blue modern working outfit, dark blue dress, dark panties, black female shoes).
6E 0A :
6F 0A : White female (Purple hairstyle "au carré, gray business vest, black skirts and shoes).
70 0A : White female (Face like Sherri ter Horst, white vest, dark gray shirt, dark red skirt, dark panties, black female shoes)
71 0A : White female (Blond, short hairs, black leather jacket, dark brown pullover, black pants and shoes).
72 0A :
73 0A :
74 0A :
75 0A :
76 0A :
77 0A :
78 0A :
79 0A :
7A 0A :
7B 0A :
7C 0A :
7D 0A :
7E 0A :
7F 0A :
80 0A : Sarif Industries Security Guard (Latino man, moustache and red and black casket).
81 0A :
82 0A :
83 0A :
84 0A :
85 0A :
86 0A :
87 0A :
88 0A :
89 0A :
8A 0A : Sarif industry guard (black, red casket, red tie, anti-bullet armor).
8B 0A :
8C 0A :
8D 0A :
8E 0A :
8F 0A :
90 0A : Sarif Industries Security Guard (White man, red and black "casquette").
91 0A :
92 0A :
93 0A :
94 0A :
95 0A :
96 0A :
97 0A : Sarif Industries Security Guard (White man, dark blond hairs, red and black "casquette").
98 0A :
99 0A :
9A 0A :
9B 0A :
9C 0A :
9D 0A :
9E 0A :
9F 0A :
00 0A :
01 0A :
10 0A :
20 0A :
30 0A :
40 0A :
50 0A :
60 0A :
70 0A :
80 0A :
90 0A :
A0 0A : Sarif Industries Security Guard (White man, red and black "casquette"). Same as  90 0A.
A1 0A :
A2 0A : Hugh Darrow's bodyguard (White male, shaved head with cranial augmentation, sunglasses, augmented eyes, futuristic-looking leather black pants and shirt, black shoes).
A3 0A :
A4 0A :
A5 0A :
A6 0A : Invisible item (but blocks the path, maybe try to add it in another area, because maybe it is inside the ground).
A7 0A : Sarif HQs interactive double light blue doors.
A8 0A : Invisible item (but blocks the path, maybe try to add it in another area, because maybe it is inside the ground).
A9 0A : Yellow smoke.
AA 0A : Burning fire (but doesn't damage the player if he comes nearby).
AB 0A : Red male face (without a body) .
AC 0A : Red male face (without a body) .
AD 0A : Red male face (without a body) .
AE 0A : Isias Sandoval (Dark costume and red tie).
AF 0A : William Taggart.
B0 0A : Bodyguard (Latino man, moustache, sunglasses, man in black).
B1 0A : Bodyguard (Arab man, moustache, sunglasses, man in black).
B2 0A : Invisible or the item is below the ground
B3 0A : Zeke Sanders (Found in the file : det1_policebasement_civilian_zekesanders.drm and the file s_scn_detroit_zekesanders_det_police.drm).
B4 0A : Red male face without a body. Found in the file :civilian_zekesanders.drm .
B5 0A : Belltower merc with armor and opened helmet (Latino man).
B6 0A : Ammunition box (which can be opened and where items can be stashed). This item can be found in files : D0412430.drm , BDC4D336.drm, 47365478.drm , 47365478.drm and 5FA9123C.drm = It is the ammo box where Jensen receives weapons in the "Missing Link" DLC.
B7 0A : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
B8 0A : Belltower soldier (White, goated facial hairs, casket, the writing "mad" on the left part of his pants, armor).
B9 0A :
BA 0A :
BB 0A : Belltower soldier (Black, casket, the writing "mad" on the left part of his pants, armor).
BC 0A : Black box with "First Aid" written on it.
BD 0A : Belltower guard (Opened Helmet, white, armor).
BE 0A :
BF 0A : Red smoke (Coming from the ground).
C0 0A : Pannel with written "Gone fishing" on it as well as some others texts in the form of post it (It's a decoration item).
C1 0A : Opened Cyrogenic pod (used by Jensen to traval from Hengsha to the boat and from the secret Belltower base to the Omega ranch).
C2 0A : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
C3 0A : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
C4 0A : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
C5 0A : Burke's spare retinal prosthesis, Quest item (In World).
C6 0A : Quinn (The merchant in the Belltower secret base who is part of the Juggernaut Collective)
C7 0A : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
C8 0A : Red male face (without a body).
C9 0A : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
CA 0A : Stun gun (Possibily when it is in the player's hand).
CB 0A : Square item.
CD 0A : Big vertical red item (maybe part of the space vessel ? Replace another item better positionned with this one to see what this item really is).
CE 0A : Item with 2 vertical bars (replace another item better positionned with this one to see what this item really is).
CF 0A : Invisible or the item is below the ground
D0 0A : Invisible or the item is below the ground
D1 0A : Nina Sullivan, the Australian female prisonner whom Jensen talk to in the hidden Belltower base (In the DLC "The Missing Link"). Found in the file : 5443CD81.drm .
D2 0A : Invisible or the item is below the ground
D3 0A : Red female face with green hairs (without a body).
D4 0A : Natanya Keitner (Hurt version).
D5 0A : Belltower Special ops soldier with baklava.
D6 0A : Belltower Special ops soldier with baklava and augmented arms.
D7 0A : Dead body (Belltower soldier with black clothes and augmented arms, install at the place of another item to see if he has a baklava).
D8 0A : Dead body (Belltower special ops soldier, black and white baklava, short sleeves).
D9 0A : Dead body (Belltower special ops soldier with baklava.
DA 0A : Invisible or the item is below the ground
DB 0A : Invisible or the item is below the ground
DC 0A : Prisonner (Black female, ponystyle, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
DD 0A : Prisonner (Asian female, ponystyle and "serre-tête", orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
DE 0A : Prisonner (Black female, short hairs, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
DF 0A : Prisonner (Black female, short hairs but different face than DE 0A, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
E0 0A : Prisonner (White female, hairstyle "au carré", orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
E1 0A : Prisonner (White female, readhead, tired, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
E2 0A : Prisonner (Asian female, ponystyle and "serre-tête", orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
E3 0A : Prisonner (Asian female, hairstyle "au carré", orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
E4 0A : Prisonner (Black female, afro hairstyle, big light-purple earrings, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
E5 0A : Prisonner (Black female, short hairs, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back). Just like E5 0A
E6 0A : Prisonner (Black female, "chignon" hairstyle, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
E7 0A : Prisonner (White female, long brown curvy hairs, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
E8 0A : Prisonner (White female, long brown straight hairs, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
E9 0A : Prisonner (Black female, ponystyle, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back). Just like DC 0A.
EA 0A : Prisonner (Black female, ponystyle, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back). Just like DC 0A and E9 0A.
EB 0A : Prisonner (Black female, afro hairstyle, bandana, small gold earrings, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
EC 0A : Prisonner (Asian man, Lee-Hong-style face, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
ED 0A : Prisonner (Black man, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
EE 0A : Prisonner (Latino man, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
EF 0A : Prisonner (Asian man, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
F0 0A : Prisonner (Black man, looks a little like Brian Tindall, 3-day beard, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
F1 0A : Prisonner (Latino man, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
F2 0A : Prisonner (Black female, short hairs, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back). Just like DE 0A and E5 0A (but with darker zones on her face, maybe due to experiments ?).
F3 0A : Prisonner (White female, purple hairs, orange outfit with "prisonner" written on the back).
F4 0A : Belltower special ops soldier with baklava and augmented arms.
F5 0A : Belltower special ops soldier with baklava.
F6 0A : Belltower special ops soldier with black and white baklava, short sleeves.
F7 0A : Belltower special ops soldier with baklava and augmented arms .
F8 0A : Sentry BOT / ROBOT (but it makes the game's crash if summoned inside the Sarif HQ : Maybe because it's weapons can be holstered ? Or because a positionning problem ?). Test in a normal area.
F9 0A : Sentry BOT / ROBOT (but it makes the game's crash if summoned inside the Sarif HQ : Maybe because it's weapons can be holstered ? Or because a positionning problem ?). Test in a normal area.
FA 0A : Computer screens (maybe the ones on the chinese boat whom Jensen board or the ones found in the hidden Belltower base).
FB 0A : Invisible or the item is below the ground
FC 0A : Red male face (without a body).
FD 0A : Red female face with green hairs (without a body).
FE 0A : Red female face with green hairs (without a body).
FF 0A : Red female face with green hairs (without a body).
00 0B : Red female face with green hairs (without a body).
01 0B : Red female face with green hairs (without a body).
02 0B : Red male face (without a body).
03 0B : Red male face (without a body).
04 0B : Red male face (without a body).
05 0B : Belltower soldier without "casquette" or helmet (Black, goat facial hairs, can turns invisible).
06 0B : Belltower soldier with "casquette" (Latino, can turns invisible).
07 0B : Belltower soldier with "casquette" (Black, can turns invisible).
08 0B : SNEAKER (With augmented hands and feets).
09 0B : SNEAKER (With augmented hands and feets).
0A 0B : Green-blue rectangle.
0B 0B : Blue-purple rectangle (It looks like a texture as it can be seen only from one side and is invisible from the other side).
0C 0B : CRASH (when trying to replace an item, maybe a positionning problem ? Or a rotation problem ?).
0D 0B : An item like a wire (Replace a well positionned item by this to see what it really is).
0E 0B : Machine part (White, gray, red).
0F 0B : Green gas effect (Big large smoke).
10 0B : Vertical green smoke (or green air, maybe it is used underwater ?)
11 0B : Green gas effect (Small, light smoke)
12 0B : Invisible or the item is below the ground
13 0B : Red male face (without a body).
14 0B : Small electric/explosive arc (Found in the file : fx_hyronproject_sparks.drm ).
15 0B : Big fire (but it doesn't damage the player if he touches it).
16 0B : Ammo Grenade launcher (In World).
17 0B : Grenade launcher (In World))
18 0B : Grenade launcher (In the player's hands).
19 0B : Machine part (Metal, looks like a texture). Amongs others, it is used in the file : s_scn_pan_zhao_dead_pan_hyronproject.drm .
1A 0B : Fedorova's body / corpse (Can replace an item, not another character, found in file : mtl_picrestrictedarea_corpse_federova.drm and file : s_scn_pic_federova_dead_pic_bossfight.drm ).
1B 0B : Blood splash / bloodpool (around Fedorova's body).
1C 0B : Molotov cocktail. Found in the file : cocktail_molotov_a.drm .
1D 0B : Punk (Green hairs, white skin, red vest, white pants, black boots).
1E 0B : Punk (Black hairs, white skin, blue-red vest, black pants, black boots).
1F 0B : Enormous military ROBOT / BOT (but it makes the game's crash if summoned inside the Sarif HQ : Maybe because it's weapons can be holstered ? Or because a positionning problem ?). Test in a normal area.
20 0B : Military Helicopter (Summon it in a wide area to see what it really is, found in file : helicopter_military_a.drm : Maybe the helicopter which drops the box guard big robot in the Hengsha port if the player is detected).
21 0B : Punk (Green hairs, white skin, red vest, white pants, black boots). Same character as 1D 0B (maybe a version with a different inventory, animations, ect... ?)
22 0B : Policeman (Detroit Police, blue outfit, black, no helmet).
23 0B : Combat rifle (Black and Yellow, can't be used, seems like a decoration). Or is it the weapon used by the non-augmented Jensen during the intro ?
24 0B : Belltower soldier (with a "casquette instead of a baclava, latino, No visible augmentations but he can becomes invisible).
25 0B : Belltower special ops soldier with baklava. Found in file sce_16_csb_2_soldier_belltower_a.drm .
26 0B : Faridah Malik (Immobile, found in the file : cinematic_faridah.drm ).
27 0B : Nahari Kahn .
28 0B : Red male face (without a body).
29 0B : Yelena Fedorova (Immobile, can replace only an item, found in file : s_scn_sce_federova_intro_two_det_sarifhq_rail_tutorial.drm ).
2A 0B : Harvester (black, shaved hairs, goat moustache, pullover with texts, augmented hands and foots).
2B 0B : Harvester (Helmet, pullover with texts, augmented hands and foots).
2C 0B : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
2D 0B : Red male face (without a body).
2E 0B : OGRE (Belltower Heavy Special Ops).
2F 0B : Declan Faherty (One of the scientists kidnapped by the Tyrants). He moves (There is another version of him, who moves too if you use the code 2E 0E).
30 0B : Eric Koss.
31 0B : Megan Reed.
32 0B : Nia Colvin.
33 0B : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in the file : fx_sc_13_omg_01_emp_shockwave_a.drm ).
34 0B : Faridah Malik's Helicopter (other version).
35 0B : Bobby Bao (The Hive's Bartender).
36 0B : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
37 0B : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
38 0B : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
39 0B : Red male face (without a body). Found in file : lieutenant_bobbybao.drm .
3A 0B : Jaya (The woman whom Bao wants monthly payment for the social augmentation he sold to her).
3B 0B : Jaya's Memory Chip (Her Social Enhancer Augmentation), Quest item (In world).
3C 0B : Red female face with green hairs (without a body).
3D 0B : Diamond Chan (The mafia leader in Hengsha whom Mei want Jensen to eliminate).
3E 0B : White table where the player must put the drug package given by Mei to frame the mafia leader who threaten the Hengsha prostitutes.
3F 0B : Red male face (without a body).
40 0B : Prostitute (Black longer hairs, black skin, black outfit).
41 0B : Prostitute (Black hairs, brown skin, black and gray outfit).
42 0B : Prostitute (Black hairs, black skin, black outfit).
43 0B : Prostitute (Black mid-long hairs, brown skin, black outfit, beautiful). Found in the file : sha1_lowernightlife_civilian_sq_prostitute_a.drm .
44 0B : Prostitute (Redhead, brown skin, black outfit).
45 0B : Chuanli (The Asian thugh with sunglasses and jeans who is on the rooftop of the Hen Hua brothel whom Jensen can buy infos from to locate Mei's friend).
46 0B : Red male face (without a body).
47 0B : Hengsha policeman with closed helmet, gasmask, gray armor and augmented arms.
48 0B : Hengsha policeman with opened helmet, gazmask and yellow armor.
49 0B : Hengsha policeman with closed helmet, gasmask and gray armor.
4A 0B : Red male face (without a body). Found in the file : riotcop_asian_b.drm .
4B 0B : Red male face (without a body).
4C 0B : Red male face (without a body). Found in the file : streetcop_asian_a.drm .
4D 0B : Mei (The prostitute who gives 2 quests to Jensen and who can be found in the Huen Hua Brothel / Hotel ).
4E 0B : Asian man (looks like a bartender : light shirt, brown vest without sleeves and brown pants).
4F 0B : Invisible or the item is below the ground
50 0B : Red female face with green hairs (without a body).
51 0B : Red male face (without a body).
52 0B : Prostitute with light blue skirt (Possibily the girl held by mafia thughs whom Mei wants Jensen to free).
53 0B : Asian man (black vest, gray working-style pants, black shoes, moustache).
54 0B : Asian man (black vest, gray working-style pants, black shoes).
55 0B : Harvester (black, shaved hairs, goat moustache, pullover with texts, augmented arms, normal foots).
56 0B : Red female face with green hairs (without a body).
57 0B : Red male face (without a body).
58 0B : Red male face (without a body).
59 0B : Anonymous X (With the 4 Chan hat).
5A 0B : Red male face (without a body, found civilian_sq_anonymousx.drm).
5B 0B : Anonymous X (With the 4 Chan hat). Maybe when he is outside the clinic. Same outfit than the 59 0B. Maybe what changes are the animations, location (and what he is carrying ?).
5C 0B : Door (Blue with white band in the middle).
5D 0B : Antique Clock (Items from the mission with Faridah Malik in Hengsha).
5E 0B : Baseball bat (Items from the mission with Faridah Malik in Hengsha).
5F 0B : Phone (The one in Lee's appartement : Clicking on it will trigger an infolink conversation with Faridah Malik).
60 0B : Faridah Malik (Moves) (Found in files like : s_scn_sha01_sq08_end_sha_city_lowernightlife.drm ).
61 0B : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
62 0B : Faridah Malik (Moves). Other version (Maybe what is in her inventory changes ? To test : Summon both version in Adam Jensen's appartement and knocking them out both).
63 0B : Lee Hong.
64 0B : Prostitute (Asian, with red outfit and boots).
65 0B : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
66 0B : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
67 0B : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
68 0B : Red male face (without a body).
69 0B : Enormous TV Pannels displaying Lee's confession (It is the vertical screens outside the Hive Night Club in Hengsha). The ones Faridah Malik hacked to display Lee's confession.
6A 0B : Enormous Yellow TV Pannels (It is the vertical screens outside the Hive Night Club in Hengsha).
6B 0B : Enormous Blue TV pannels with white texts (It is the vertical screens outside the Hive Night Club in Hengsha). It is the transition between the normal yellow TV pannels and the display of Lee's confession.
6C 0B : Asian man with dark vest, pants and shoes.
6D 0B : White man with green shirt, black pants and black and red shoes.
6E 0B : Chinese woman with dark vest and pants.
6F 0B : Mengyao (Hugh Darrow's female collaborator in Hengsha). (Found in file s_scn_sha02_sq01_giver_sha_city_lowerresidential.drm).
70 0B : Red female face with green hairs (without a body).
71 0B : Hive's bodyguard. Found in the file : sha2_citylowerworker_lowlife_sq_donli.drm .
72 0B : Data chip (which contains classified Panchea documents), Quest item (In World), found in file : sha02_sq01_datachip_world.drm .
73 0B : White bodyguard in dark blue costume with shaved hairs and sunglasses. Found in the file : sha2_citylowerworker_striker_sq_donliescort_a.drm .
74 0B : White bodyguard in dark blue costume with sunglasses.
75 0B : Asian bodyguard in dark blue costume.
76 0B : Asian bodyguard in dark blue costume with moustache.
77 0B : Red male face (without a body).
78 0B : Doctor Wing (The asian guy who asks the player to stop rogue Belltower operatives in Hengsha) : Different base animations : Crouch when afraid.
79 0B : Doctor Wing (The asian guy who asks the player to stop rogue Belltower operatives in Hengsha) : Different base animations : Fall to the ground when afraid, found in file : civilian_sq_drwing.drm .
7A 0B : Dead Belltower spec ops with a backlava (It is the NPC found dead in the shop where Michael Zelazny and his men were hidding before leaving for a new hideout in the Sewers).
7B 0B : Belltower merc with casket and body armor and brown skin.
7C 0B : Belltower merc with body armor and white skin.
7D 0B : Red male face (without a body).
7E 0B : Red male face (without a body).
7F 0B : Michael Zelazny (Michael Scott / Zelezny, The rebel Belltower guy who is hiding in the sewers in Hengsha 2, found in file : sha2_citysewer1b_sq04_ogre_michaelscott.drm ).
80 0B : Sneaker (found in the file "sha2_citysewer1b_sq04_sneaker_belltower_a.drm")
81 0B : Special ops soldier with baklava (Zelazny's mens ?).
82 0B : Special ops soldier with baklava (Zelazny's mens ?).
83 0B : Red male face (without a body, found in file : ogre_sq_michaelscott.drm It is obviously, Michael Zelazny 's animations also known as Michael Scott ).
84 0B : Double doors (which can be opened).
85 0B : Pink pole (The ones used by the pole dance areas in the Huen Hua brothel / Hotel ?).
86 0B : Peng Xin Hao (The second merchant in Hengsha, found in the file : sha1_capsulehotelcalm_wepmerchant_pengxinhao.drm ).
87 0B : Asian man (Green shirt, black pants and black shoes).
88 0B : Asian man (Dark blue shirt, dark gray vest, dark pants and shoes, goat facial hairs).
89 0B : Asian female (Dark blue short, dark blue pants, ponytail).
90 0B : Asian man (Light skin, Ponytail, goat facial hair, white shirt which looks like Grayson's, dark pants and black shoes).
91 0B : Asian man (Light skin, green shirt, dark pants and black shoes).
92 0B : Asian prostitute (Ponytail, brown skin, gray and black outfit).
93 0B : White man (Brown mid-long hairs, dark blue shirt, white sleeves, dark pants and boots).
94 0B : Asian man (moustache, white shirt which looks like Grayson's, black pants and shoes).
95 0B : White woman (Redhead, face like the Chiron Hotel's receptionist, purple shirt, seductive black pants and boots).
96 0B : Asian man (Loose black hairs, brown vest, gray pants, blak shoes).
97 0B : White man (Brown hairs a little loose, 3-days facial hairs, dark blue shurt, black pants and shoes).
98 0B : Asian female (Long hairs, brown skin, dark shirt, dark gray skirt and seductive shoes).
99 0B : Asian female (Short hairs, brown skin, green lipstick, dark vest, red shirt, black skirt and boots).
9A 0B : Asian man (Exact Grayson shirt, black pants and black shoes).
9B 0B : Asian prostitute (Half-loose/half "chignon" long black hairs, dark skin, black and white outfits, black boots).
9C 0B : White female (Purple hairs in "chignon", dark shirt, pants and shoes).
9D 0B : Black man ("Polo" white shirt, black pants and shoes, same face as the MCB leader whom Jensen meets at the abandonned factorty).
9E 0B : Asian female (Ponytail, dark skin, dark blue business vest, skirt and shoes).
9F 0B : Asian man (Short black hairs, dark blue outfit, black shoes).
A0 0B : Asian female (Black hairs "au carré", brown skin, white shirt, dark blue pants and shoes).
A1 0B : Asian man (Dark brown hairs, red shirt, black vest, pants and shoes).
A2 0B : Asian man (Lee Hong's hairstyle, Grayson's vest, gray pants and black shoes).
A3 0B :
A4 0B :
A5 0B :
A6 0B :
A7 0B :
A8 0B :
A9 0B :
AA 0B :
AB 0B :
AC 0B :
AD 0B :
AE 0B :
AF 0B :
B0 0B : Asian female (Ponytail, brown skin, pink shirt with bands, beige pants and dark reddish seductive shoes).
B1 0B :
B2 0B :
B3 0B :
B4 0B :
B5 0B :
B6 0B :
B7 0B :
B8 0B : Asian male civilian (Green eyes, purple butcher working clothes, gray shirt with deco, blue jeans, black shoes).
B9 0B :
BA 0B :
BB 0B :
BC 0B :
BD 0B :
BE 0B :
BF 0B :
C0 0B : Asian female (Loose hairs, pink pullover, dark blue jeans, black shoes).
C1 0B :
C2 0B :
C3 0B :
C4 0B :
C5 0B :
C6 0B : Asian male civilian (Moustache, dark blue pullover, black "modern" pants, black shoes).
C7 0B :
C8 0B :
C9 0B : Asian male civilian (Thin beard ligne below the mouth, dark gray polo, black renaissance pants, black shoes).
CA 0B :
CB 0B :
CC 0B :
CD 0B :
CE 0B :
CF 0B :
D0 0B : Asian female (Ponytail, pink pullover, dark blue jeans, black shoes, thiner model than the one at C0 0B).
D1 0B :
D2 0B :
D3 0B :
D4 0B : Harvester (Black skin, green eyes, black hood and shirt with white writting on it, short, augmented arms and feets. Found in the file : sha1_capsulehotelcalm_lightguard_belltower_a.drm .
D5 0B :
D6 0B :
D7 0B : Opened Door at the Capsule Pod Hotel, but not tested (Found in the file : so_gate_capsule_open_a.drm ).
D8 0B : Closed Door at the Capsule Pod Hotel, but not tested (Found in the file : so_gate_capsule_close_a.drm ).
D9 0B :
DA 0B :
DB 0B :
DC 0B :
DD 0B :
DE 0B :
DF 0B :
E0 0B : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
E1 0B : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
E2 0B : "Louche" (Kitchen tool).
E3 0B : "Poelle" (Kitchen tool).
E4 0B : Red male face (without a body).
E5 0B : Red male face (without a body).
E6 0B : Red male face (without a body).
E7 0B : Red male face (without a body).
E8 0B : Nahari Kahn .
E9 0B : Belltower heavy guard. Found in the file : sha1_capsulehotelchaos_heavyguard_belltower_a.drm .
EA 0B : Belltower heavy guard. Found in the file : sha1_capsulehotelchaos_heavyguard_belltower_b.drm .
EB 0B : Belltower soldier with "casquette" (Black guy). Found in the file : sha1_capsulehotelchaos_lightguard_belltower_g.drm .
EC 0B : Belltower soldier with "casquette" (Latino guy). Found in the file : sha1_capsulehotelchaos_lightguard_belltower_h.drm .
ED 0B : Belltower soldier with helmet. Found in the file : sha1_capsulehotelchaos_mediumguard_belltower_a.drm .
EE 0B : Belltower soldier with helmet. Found in the file : sha1_capsulehotelchaos_mediumguard_belltower_b.drm .
EF 0B : Dead body (White man, brown hairs, glasses, dark blue vest and pants, black shoes).
F0 0B : Dead body (Asian man, blue mechanics outfit).
F1 0B : Dead body (Dark blue outfit).
F2 0B :
F3 0B :
F4 0B :
F5 0B :
F6 0B :
F7 0B :
F8 0B : Corpse/Dead body (White male, black hairs, goat facial hairs, blue working outfit, black shoes).
F9 0B :
FA 0B :
FB 0B :
FC 0B :
FD 0B :
FE 0B :
FF 0B :
00 0C : Dead body (Asian female, dark hairs "au carré", brown skin, pink pullover, beige pants).
01 0C :
02 0C : Belltower soldier with helmet. Found in the file : sha1_capsulehotelchaos_mediumguard_belltower_c.drm .
03 0C :
04 0C :
05 0C :
06 0C :
07 0C :
08 0C :
09 0C :
0A 0C :
0B 0C :
0C 0C :
0D 0C :
0E 0C :
0F 0C :  
10 0C : Dead body (Female, dark blue business vest and skirt).
11 0C :
12 0C :
13 0C :
14 0C :
15 0C : Belltower soldier with helmet (and Lion tatoo on the chest). Medium armor.
16 0C : Belltower soldier with helmet (and Lion tatoo on the chest). Medium armor.
17 0C : Metal sewer door in metal which has been forced and is half destroyed, it's a destroyed door in the Alice Garden Pod after Belltower's attack (Found in the file : so_gate_capsule_broken_a.drm ).
18 0C : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
19 0C : Red male face (without a body). It just turns itself to face the player.
1A 0C :
1B 0C :
1C 0C :
1D 0C :
1E 0C :
1F 0C :
20 0C : Belltower soldier with "casquette" (Black guy).
21 0C : Belltower soldier with "casquette" (Black guy). Different version.
22 0C :
23 0C :
24 0C :
25 0C :
26 0C :
27 0C :
28 0C :
29 0C :
2A 0C :
2B 0C :
2C 0C :  
2D 0C : Belltower medium security (sha1_lowerresidential_mediumsecurity_belltower_e.drm)
2E 0C : Red male face (without a body).
2F 0C : Invisible or the item is below the ground. One of the 2 items near "Faridah death body" file.
30 0C : Faridah's dead body / corpse (In the Harvester's hideaout base : Found in file : sha2_cityharvesterhideout_corpse_farida.drm ).
31 0C : Harvester, dark skin, has augmented arms and feets, hood, big transparent glasses and he can turn invisible.
32 0C : Harvester, Heavy (has augmented arms and feets, a dark shirt with red writting on it and an helmet. Found in the file : sha2_cityharvesterhideout_ogre_harvester_a.drm .
33 0C : Harvester, Heavy (has augmented arms and feets. The augmented right feet is larger. Has a gray shirt with an orange demon drawing on it and a brown helmet).
34 0C :
35 0C : Harvester, black hood, black shirt, dark pants, very light-brown skin, scar on his face, blue eyes and augmented arms.
36 0C : Harvester, heavy (has augmented arms and feets, gray shirt with orange writting on it and an helmet).
37 0C :
38 0C :
39 0C : Harvester, dark skin, has augmented arms, black shirt with "white fists" drawn on it, big sunglasses, black hood, black pants and black boots).
3A 0C :
3B 0C :
3C 0C :
3D 0C :
3E 0C :
3F 0C :
40 0C : OGRE (Belltower special ops HEAVY soldier).
41 0C :
42 0C :
43 0C :
44 0C :
45 0C :
46 0C :
47 0C :
48 0C :
49 0C :
4A 0C :
4B 0C :
4C 0C :
4D 0C :
4E 0C :
4F 0C :
50 0C : Asian man (middle-brown skin, short black hairs, Blue-gray vest, white polo, dark pants and shoes).
51 0C :
52 0C :
53 0C :
54 0C :
55 0C :
56 0C :
57 0C :
58 0C :
59 0C :
5A 0C :
5B 0C :
5C 0C :
5D 0C :
5E 0C : Limb Clinic Asian Merchant woman (Used in the file s_scn_sha_city_lowerlimbclinic_part1_sha_city_lowerlimbclinic.drm). Move, afraid animations if the player tresspasses.
5F 0C : Red female face with green hairs (without a body, afraid animations).
60 0C : Limb Clinic Asian Merchant woman. Stands (Stays idle if the player tresspasses).
61 0C :
62 0C :
63 0C :
64 0C :
65 0C :
66 0C :
67 0C :
68 0C :
69 0C :
6A 0C :
6B 0C :
6C 0C :
6D 0C :
6E 0C :
6F 0C :
70 0C :
71 0C :
72 0C :
73 0C : Hive Club Membership Card, Quest Item (In World).
74 0C :
75 0C :
76 0C :
77 0C :
78 0C :
79 0C :
7A 0C :
7B 0C :
7C 0C :
7D 0C :
7E 0C :
7F 0C :
80 0C :
81 0C :
82 0C :
83 0C :
84 0C :
85 0C :
86 0C :
87 0C : Asian Male Civilian (Moustache, dark-green coat and tie, gray shirt, black pants, brown shoes).
88 0C :
89 0C :
8A 0C :
8B 0C :
8C 0C :
8D 0C :
8E 0C :
8F 0C :
90 0C :
95 0C : Asian civilian (Male, gray eyes, cool haircut, gray modern coat, gray worker pants, dark shoes).
99 0C : Asian civilian (Gray and white cook/butcher clothes, black shoes, light skin, blue eyes).
9A 0C : Black civilian (Same face as the MCB gang leader, black rubber coat, green shirt, gray pants, black shoes).
9B 0C :
A0 0C :
A7 0C :
A8 0C : White female civilian (Dark red short hairs, green eyes, dark gray jacket, light gray shirt, dark skirt, light gray panties, black female shoes). Found in the file : sha1_lowernightlife_civilian_female_generic_m.drm .
A9 0C :
AC 0C : Belltower light mercenary (Asian, moustache goat, light and grey sweat, gray pants, knees protections, gloves) .
B0 0C :
B5 0C :
B9 0C : Prostitute (Asian, latin skin, long black hairs, black outfit, black boots, beautiful).
BA 0C :  
C0 0C :
CF 0C : Weapon Upgrade Special for Combat Rifle and Machine Pistol (In World).
D0 0C :
E0 0C :
F0 0C :
F5 0C :
00 0D :
01 0D : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
02 0D :
03 0D :
04 0D :
05 0D :
06 0D :
07 0D :
08 0D :
09 0D :
0A 0D :
0B 0D :
0C 0D :
0D 0D : China Newspapers Kiosk (The red interactive item which allows the player to read newspapers in the streets, full code : 0D 0D 8A 13).
0E 0D : Smart Card Blank (Orange card with written "Security Card on it", Quest item (In World).
0F 0D :
10 0D :
11 0D :
12 0D :
13 0D :
14 0D :
15 0D :
16 0D :
17 0D :
18 0D :
19 0D :
1A 0D :
1B 0D :
1C 0D : Asian male civilian (moustache, goat, brown-gray jacket, green-gray sweet, dark pants, black shoes).
1D 0D : Asian male civilian (Brown hairs, long face, black street vest, gray shirt, black pants, black shoes).
1E 0D :
1F 0D :
20 0D :
21 0D :
22 0D : Asian male Civilian (Dark brown coat with diagonal lignes, white polo, dark pants, black shoes).
23 0D :
24 0D :
25 0D :
26 0D :
27 0D : Butcher (Asian man, goat-beard, green eyes, purple shirt, white butcher clothes, blue pants, dark-silver shoes).
28 0D :
29 0D :
2A 0D :
2B 0D :
2C 0D :
2D 0D :
2E 0D :
2F 0D :
30 0D :
37 0D : Harvester (Black, hood, small sunglasses, black shirt with white fists drawing on it, augmented arms and legs, brown pants).
40 0D :
46 0D :
50 0D :
55 0D :
5A 0D :
5B 0D : Asian male civilian (Light skin, well arranged hairs, blue-gray shirt, gray renaissance pants, black shoes).
5C 0D :
5D 0D :
5E 0D :
5F 0D :
60 0D :
65 0D : Asian male civilian (Dark gray renaissance pull with horizontal lignes, light gray pants, dark shoes).
66 0D :
67 0D :
68 0D :
69 0D : Asian male civilian (Light skin, well arranged hairs, dark gray coat, light gray pants, black shoes).
6A 0D :
6C 0D :
70 0D :
77 0D : Shop's metal store gate.
80 0D :
90 0D :
95 0D :
9A 0D :
9E 0D : Belltower Medium Guard (Found in the file :  sha2_citylowerworker_mediumguard_belltower_a.drm .
9F 0D :
A0 0D :
A6 0D : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
B0 0D :
C0 0D :
C5 0D : Belltower heavy guard . (Found in the file sha2_seaport_heavyguard_belltower_b.drm).
C6 0D : Belltower medium guard . (Found in the file sha2_seaport_mediumguard_belltower_t.drm).
C7 0D : Lu Pin Rong (The black market merchant who is located near the Hengsha Port).
C8 0D :
C9 0D : White Asian civilian (Black hat, moustache, brown vest, black shirt, brown t-shirt, jeans, brown shoes). He is one of the Hangsha Port's black market merchant / vendor.
CA 0D :
CF 0D :
D0 0D :
D1 0D :
D2 0D : Harvester (Dark skin, augmented arms and feets, gray shirt with an orange demon drawing on it, big sunglasses).
D3 0D :
D4 0D : Harvester Heavy (Augmented arms and feets, black shirt with red writting on it, helmet).
D5 0D :
D6 0D : Blue door with a metal band at the bottom and with written on it "Authorized personnel only".
D7 0D : Invisible or the item is below the ground. Found in the file : anchor_convtong_bar.drm .
D8 0D :
D9 0D :
DA 0D :
DB 0D :
DC 0D :
DD 0D :
DE 0D :
DF 0D :
E0 0D :
E3 0D : The Hive waitress 2 (Brown skin, long black hairs, black leather outfit with The Hive Logo on it, black female shoes). Found in the file : sha1_thehive_civilian_female_waitress_a.drm .
E5 0D :
F0 0D :
FA 0D : Harvester (Black skin, small sunglasses, black hood and shirt with white fists drawn on it, augmented arms, augmented left leg, normal right foot equipped with a boot, green pants).
FF 0D :
00 0E :
01 0E : Tong Si Hung (Black outfit with "The Hive" logo, found in file : sha1_thehive_unique_male_tongsihung_inoffice.drm ).
02 0E : Tong Si Hung (Black outfit with "The Hive" logo).
03 0E : The Hive Waitress (Asian, long hairs, special face, black leather vest, black leather pants, black female shoes). Found in the file : sha1_thehive_civilian_female_waitress_b.drm .
04 0E : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
05 0E :
06 0E :
07 0E :
08 0E :
09 0E :
0A 0E :
0B 0E : Tong Si Hung (has afraid animations, found in file : civilian_tongsihung.drm ). ==============================> Si on remplace Jenny Alexander par lui, il ne sera pas invincible, donc le code de l'invincibilité ne se trouve apparemment pas dans : civilian_tongsihung.drm ).
0C 0E : Long wall with broken glass (and broken glasses on the floor). Found in file : so_sin_namirwallbroken_a.drm (It's in the Omega Ranch restricted area where Jensen fights Namir).
0D 0E : Namir's corpse / body (Found in file : sin_omegarestrictedarea_corpse_namir.drm ).
0E 0E : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in the file : fx_sin_omega_namir_aftermath.drm ).
0F 0E : Long wall with glass (the same wall as 0C 0E but not broken).
10 0E : One of the red statutes which moves (The ones which are found in the room where Jensen fight Namir in the restricted area of the Omega Ranch).
11 0E : Big white cube with a drawing on it which looks like a strange cross and which can be opened (It can contains items). sch_omega_statuestand_namir_a.drm
12 0E : SNEAKER .
13 0E :
14 0E : Ogre. Found in the file : sin_omegaexterior_ogre_belltower_b.drm . He activates the typhoon if the player closes up on him.
15 0E : Ogre. Found in the file : sin_omegaexterior_ogre_belltower_a.drm .
16 0E :
17 0E :
18 0E : Found in the file : sin_omegaentrance_soldier_belltower_a.drm .
19 0E :
1A 0E :
1B 0E :
1C 0E :
1D 0E : Ogre. Found in the file : ogre_black_b.drm .
1E 0E :
1F 0E :
20 0E :
21 0E :
22 0E :
23 0E : Crazy Belltower special ops soldier with Baklava.
24 0E :
25 0E :
26 0E : Crash if trying to replace Markovic with it, invisible if it replaces the Trauma Kit in Sarif HQ 4 (but badly positionned, so try to replace another inert item with it).
27 0E :
28 0E :
29 0E :
2A 0E : SNEAKER. Found in the "sin_omegalabbiomec_sneaker_belltower_a.drm". Sneaker from the Omega Ranch Biolab.
2B 0E : SNEAKER. Found in the "sin_omegalabbiomec_sneaker_belltower_b.drm". Sneaker from the Omega Ranch Biolab.
2C 0E : Special ops soldier with baklava.
2D 0E : Special ops soldier with baklava.
2E 0E : Duclan Faherty (One of the scientists kidnapped by the Tyrants). He moves.
2F 0E : SNEAKER. Found in the file sin_omegalabgen_sneaker_belltower_a.drm (Sneaker from the level Omega Ranch). PS : Le mettre à la place d'un des objets dans le hanger fermé qui contient le Laser rifle dans le ranch Omega ?
30 0E : SNEAKER. Found in the file sin_omegalabgen_sneaker_belltower_b.drm (Sneaker from the level Omega Ranch).
31 0E :
32 0E : Special ops soldier with baklava. Found in file : sin_omegalabgen_soldier_belltower_f.drm .
33 0E :
34 0E : Special ops soldier with baklava. Found in file : sin_omegalabgen_soldier_belltower_g.drm .
35 0E :
36 0E :
37 0E :
38 0E :
39 0E :
3A 0E :
3B 0E :
3C 0E :
3D 0E :
3E 0E :
3F 0E :
40 0E :
41 0E :
42 0E :
43 0E :
44 0E :
4A 0E : Red male face (without a body). Found in the file : heavyguard_narharikhan.drm .
4B 0E :
4C 0E :
4D 0E :
4E 0E :
4F 0E :
50 0E :
55 0E :
56 0E : TYM Male Scientist (Same face as the Huen Hua Hotel vendor, green scientist outfit, brown pants, black shoes). Found in the file : sha1_tymlamadmin_civilian_male_scientist_d.drm .
57 0E :
58 0E :
59 0E : TYM Female Scientist (Asian, brown skin, short hairs, white medical shirt, gray pants, green boots, gloves).
5A 0E :
5B 0E :
5C 0E : .
5D 0E : Tai Yong medical scientist (Asian, moustache, Tai Yong medical light green outfit).
5E 0E : Asian female TYM office worker (Black long hairs, brown skin, white vest, gray shirt, black pants, black and gray female shoes).
5F 0E :
60 0E :
62 0E : Beer Can C : Nanbao beer (In World).
63 0E :
64 0E : White Door with written "Alice Garden Pod" on it (It's the main entrance of this hotel, found in the file : sha_lower_door_sw_capsule_hotel_a.drm ).
65 0E :
66 0E :
67 0E :
68 0E :
69 0E :
6A 0E :
6B 0E : Arie Van Bruggen (Found in the file : sha1_capsulehotelcalm_civilian_arievanbruggen.drm ).
6C 0E :
6D 0E : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in the file : base_camo_capsule.drm ).
6E 0E :
6F 0E :
70 0E : Wash machine, ON (Machine à laver, en marche).
71 0E : Sky light "laser" like the ones used in the Detroit City Level (Les gros faisceaux lumineux dirigés vers le ciel de Detroit, utilisé dans le fichier fx_sha_city_capsulehot_planar_smoke_a.drm ).
72 0E : Invisible or the item is below the ground (fx_sha_city_capsulehot_planar_smoke_a.drm ).
73 0E :
74 0E :
75 0E : Red male face (without a body). Found in the file : civilian_arievanbruggen.drm .
76 0E :
77 0E :
78 0E :
79 0E :
7A 0E :
7F 0E : Belltower augmented SNIPER with black baklava and white shirt (Found in sha2_conscrashsite_sniper_belltower_a.drm ).
80 0E :
81 0E : Heavy Belltower Guard (Found in the file : sha2_conscrashsite_heavyguard_belltower_a.drm ).
82 0E :
83 0E :
84 0E : Faridah Malik's corpse (If the player hasn't saved her in Hengsha 2 (Found in file : "sha2_conscrashsite_corpse_faridah.drm" ).
85 0E :
8A 0E : Invisible or the item is below the ground, found in file : lower_shanghai_construction_site_sky_a.drm ).
90 0E :
98 0E : Ogre (Found in file : sha2_lowercatacombs_ogre_belltower_a.drm : It corresponds to the Ogre seen in the Mission where Jensen has to rescue Tracer Tong).
9C 0E :
A0 0E :
A7 0E : Red male face (without a body). Found in file : civilian_tracertong.drm ).
A8 0E : Liquor chinese A (White bottle) : Aiswine Ice Rice Liquor (In World).
A9 0E :
AA 0E : Tong Si Hung (White t-shirt, bloodied, how he appears during Hengsha 2 when he is wearing Schevchenko's right augmented arms).
AB 0E :
AC 0E :
AD 0E :
AE 0E : Breakable wall (The top is white and the bottom is bluish gray). Found in file : ptw_harvester_parking_a.drm .
AF 0E :
B0 0E :
B1 0E :
B2 0E :
B3 0E :
B4 0E :
B5 0E :
B6 0E : Invisible or the item is below the ground, found in file : fx_sparks_single_sustained.drm ).
B7 0E :
B8 0E :
B9 0E :
BA 0E :
BB 0E :
BC 0E : Black door.
BD 0E :
BE 0E :
BF 0E :
C0 0E :
C1 0E :
C2 0E :
C3 0E : Black glass double doors with yellow-green contours, open horizontally.
C4 0E :
C5 0E :
C6 0E :
C7 0E :
C8 0E :
C9 0E :
CA 0E :
CB 0E :
CC 0E : Not tested (Probably a ladder / échelle).
CD 0E : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
CE 0E :
CF 0E :
D0 0E : Hanging / suspended light (The ones used in places like hangars). It is malfunctioning and blinking, and it slightly moves.
D6 0E : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
D7 0E :
D8 0E :
D9 0E :
DA 0E :
DB 0E :
DC 0E :
DD 0E :
DE 0E : Shop's metal banner with some chinese and the numbers 1/8 written on it.
DF 0E :
E0 0E : Not tested (Probably a ladder / échelle).
E1 0E : Not tested (Probably a ladder / échelle).
E2 0E : Not tested (Probably a ladder / échelle).
E5 0E :
E6 0E :
E7 0E : Invisible or the item is below the ground. Also, going to close to the item project the player to the top and then back.
EA 0E :
EF 0E :
F0 0E : C4 bomb, Quest item (In World).
F1 0E : Echelle en métal / Interactive metal ladder.
F2 0E :
F3 0E :
F4 0E : Electric cable (Found in the file : ao_sha_port_electric_cables_a.drm ).
F5 0E :
F9 0E :
FA 0E : C4 high explosive (Quest item).
FB 0E :
FC 0E : Invisible or the item is below the ground. Found in the file : fx_sha_city_port_2a_cutscene.drm .
FD 0E :
FE 0E :
FF 0E : Huge fire (Doesn't damage the player if he steps in it).
00 0F :
01 0F :
02 0F : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
03 0F :
04 0F :
05 0F :
06 0F :
07 0F : White and red boat with written "Tony Mergesio" on it. It has floating animations and is found in the file boat_fish_patrol_a.drm).
08 0F :
09 0F : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in the file : cargoboat_sha_city_port_rt_a.drm ).
0A 0F : Metallic trashcan.
0B 0F :
0C 0F :
0D 0F :
0E 0F : Not tested (Probably a ladder / échelle).
0F 0F :
00 0F :
01 0F :
02 0F :
03 0F :
04 0F :
05 0F :
06 0F :
07 0F :
08 0F :
09 0F :
0A 0F :
0B 0F :
0C 0F :
0D 0F :
0E 0F :
0F 0F :
10 0F :
14 0F : Wine bottle C (Yellow) : Earnest Oaks Chardonnay (In World).
15 0F :
1B 0F : Asian male civilian Worker (Goatee beard, red working outfit, black gloves with a yellow ligne on it, black shoes).
1E 0F : Asian male civilian Worker (gray working outfit, gloves, shoes). Found in the file : sha1_tymassemblyline_civilian_male_generic_b.drm .
20 0F :
21 0F : Smart Card Blank (Orange Card with written on it "Security Card, Lee Geng Memorial Access Card", Quest item (In World).
22 0F : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in the file : deathplane.drm ).
2A 0F :
2B 0F : Male asian Scientist TYM (Green eyes, white doctor vest with written "Tay Yong Medical" on the back, dark blue pants, black shoes, gray gloves).
2F 0F :
30 0F :
31 0F :
32 0F :
33 0F :
34 0F : Asian Scientist in full protective suit (White clothes, long orange gloves, protective glass mask). Found in the file : sha1_tymlamadmin_civilian_male_generic_k.drm .
35 0F :
3A 0F :
40 0F :
50 0F :
5D 0F : Corner wall with some fissures on it (looks like a texture : Visible only from one side)
60 0F :
65 0F :
68 0F :
6A 0F : Store Glass (Yellow, it's a glass which protects a store/shop).
70 0F :
80 0F :
83 0F : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
84 0F :
85 0F :
8A 0F :
90 0F :
91 0F :
92 0F :
93 0F :
94 0F :
95 0F : Yellow ladder / échelle jaune (The player can climb on it).
96 0F :
97 0F :
98 0F :
99 0F :
9A 0F :
9B 0F :
9C 0F :
9D 0F : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
9E 0F :
9F 0F :
A0 0F :
A1 0F :
A2 0F :
A3 0F :
A4 0F : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
A5 0F : Gray metallic ladder (large) / échelle grise (large). The player can climb on it.
A6 0F :
A7 0F :
A8 0F : NOT TESTED : Probably the Omega Ranch Sky (Found in file : ranch_sky_a.drm ).
A9 0F :
AA 0F :
AB 0F :
AC 0F :
AD 0F :
AE 0F :
AF 0F :
B0 0F :
B1 0F :
B2 0F : Cabine d'ascenseur / Elevator room (Found in file : elevator_ranch_lab_a.drm ).
B3 0F : Light-green smoke/fog (It looks a lot like the one which is seen in Detroit near Earl's Court) Found in file : fx_volume_smoke_a.drm ).
B4 0F : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : smoke_damagevolume.drm ).
BD 0F : Gray ligne (looks like a texture : Visible only from one side).
C0 0F :
C8 0F : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
C9 0F :
CA 0F :
CC 0F : Big wooden door (Found in file ranch_hugh_entrance_a.drm).
CD 0F : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in file : damagevolume.drm ).
CE 0F :
CF 0F :
D0 0F :
D1 0F :
D2 0F : Megan Reed.
D3 0F : Rectangular blue transparent window.
D4 0F : Echelle (interactive item which the player can use to climb).
D5 0F : Crash test dummy (The white statute which is the room where Jensen finds Megan Reed in the Omega Ranch).
D6 0F : Snow (Snowflakes which nearly fall to the ground and which then are moved back up by the wind).
D7 0F :
D8 0F :
D9 0F :
DA 0F :
DB 0F : Upgraded Rocket launcher assembled by Quinn (In World).
DC 0F :
DD 0F : Upgraded Rocket launcher (In the player's hands).
DE 0F : Upgraded Rocket launcher (In the NPCs' hands : It works but if added to an NPC like Seurat, he doesn't hold it correctly. Other than that no freeze or animation problem).
DF 0F : Crash (Found in file : jensen_trenchcoat_notaugmented.drm ).
E0 0F : Crash (Found in file : jensen_trenchcoat.drm ).
E1 0F :
E2 0F : Found in the file : fx_bullet_hit_master.drm (Those corresponds the blood effects when a bullet hit a character, and it may possibly contain other parameters).
E3 0F : Found in the file : launchproj_arrow.drm .
E4 0F : Found in the file : launchedproj_grenade.drm .
E5 0F : Found in the file : fx_laser_hit.drm .
E6 0F : Found in the file : fx_launchedproj_peps.drm .
E7 0F : Found in the file : fx_peps_impact_env_a.drm .
E8 0F : Found in the file : fx_peps_impact_npc_a.drm .
E9 0F : Found in the file : fx_squib_pistol_armorpiercing.drm .
EA 0F : Found in the file launchproj_plasma.drm .
EB 0F : Found in the file launchproj_plasma_namir.drm .
EC 0F : Invisible or the item is below the ground
ED 0F : Invisible or the item is below the ground (Found in the file: launchedproj_missile.drm ).
EE 0F : Found in the file : launchedproj_missile_npc.drm .
EF 0F : Found in the file : launchedproj_stundart.drm .
F0 0F : Found in the file : launcheproj_tranqdart.drm .
F1 0F : Invisible or the item is below the ground.
F2 0F :
F3 0F :
F4 0F :
F5 0F : Found in the file : fx_arrow_hit_master.drm (Visual effects when the arrow hit a character).
F6 0F :
F7 0F :
F8 0F :
F9 0F : Golden Dragon Sling (In World).
FA 0F : Slum Dog (In World).
FB 0F : Shangai Gut Punch (In World).
FC 0F : Typhoon prototype, Quest item (In World). Listed in pickup_database.drm. Also used in the file : det_sarif_industries_typhoonprototype_world.drm .
FD 0F : Jensen's Corporate Passport, Quest item (In World).
FE 0F : VIP Pass, Quest item (In World).
FF 0F : Datapuck Gold, Quest item (In World).
00 10 : Data disk (Van Bruggen's disk), Quest item (In World).
01 10 : Handled Playback Device : Eliza's Recorder, Quest item (In World).
02 10 : Smart Card Hacked (Orange card with written "Security Card" on it), Quest item (In World), found in file : sha_capsulehot_hackedbadge_world.drm .
03 10 : Unknown Device (the one which make Tong to be invisible), Quest item (In World). NB : The "In world" model is missing, so the item appears as a big purple square outside of the inventory.
04 10 : Flashdrive (which contains security footage), Quest item (In World).
05 10 : Drugs package (The one found in O'malley's appartement), Quest item (In World)


To easily find most characters and items ID in their file, search for the hexadecimal values :

And To find easily the big robots in their file, search for the hexadecimal values :


List of the items and characters found/met in the maps (when you are close to interactive items and/or characters and you are targeting them).
They are found after the code : 20EBF646 (Well, when you replace items in the files s_scn_det_sarif_industries_part04_loot_det_sarif_industries.drm
or the files s_scn_global_preorder_premiumpack_ and s_scn_global_preorder_weaponpower_ ), look in the items' paragraphes and you will see this code.
Normal items have the value 00 00 00 00 after this code but a few items (like the containers. For example: The drawers) have a code names after them.
Same for the named characters.

The list below is very incomplete and contain only a few name codes.

00 00 = None / No name
01 00 = Exit to Detroit City
02 00 = Button.
03 00 =
04 00 = Elevator button.
A9 01 = David Sarif
AA 01 = Faridah Malik
AB 01 = Frank Pritchard
5C 03 = Get away from me, man.
C5 07 = Dedicated terminal.
C8 07 = Computer
83 0B = TEXT ("Yo. Some guy with a scope is watchin' the slum. Keep...").
95 0C = TEXT ("I had vials of neuropozyne and a stimpack in my office").
97 0C = TEXT ("Maybe someone is trying to take down the company. Who knows...").
C3 0E = TEXT ("It's pretty obvious to me that one of you started this R...").
78 10 = Dead body (Used in the file : s_scn_sha02_sq04_hideout_sha_city_lowerresidential.drm and s_sce_pan_crazyattack_pan_tower.drm ).
CD 19 = Crazy worker.
82 12 = Drawer
6A 19 = Box guard (big robot).
CA 19 = Burst Round System
96 1A = Yelena Fedorova
CE 1B = Zeke Sanders
CF 1B = Josie Thorpe
A5 1C = Tim Carella
F7 1C = Tindall
1C 20 = Officer Nicholas
E1 20 = Seurat
51 23 = Vera Marcovic
1D 2D = Mengyao
7B 2D = Doctor Wing
C5 39 = Carlo Mestroni

Go back to the presentation of Deus Ex Human Revolution.