Fight Night Round 3

Fight Night Round 3 Cheat Codes

Fight Night Round 3 passwords

Some features which are normally unlocked after many matches in Fight Night Round 3's career mode can be temporally unlocked immediately with passwords.

Unlock more venues in Fight Night Round 3

Unlock all venues in Fight Night Round 3 (Cheats).
NEWVIEW (Password)

By using the password NEWVIEW, the player will unlock 2 big venues.
Note : They will be unlocked until you close the game. But it's not a big deal, as with the password, you can make them available whenever you want.
This password is particularly useful if you want to have fun and play in a big stadium in the duel mode.

Fight Night Round 3 Cheats : Unlock the burger King package with a password.
YAXKUKMO (Password)

By using the the password YAXKUKMO in Fight Night Round 3, you will unlock the Buger King package which contains the boxer Rey Mo and the promoter "The King".
Like all passwords in the game, the password YAXKUKMO will be enabled until you leave the game.
Unlike the previous password, YAXKUKMO is useful not only in the duel mode (if you want to play or fight Rey Mo) but also during the career mode as you can select the King as your trainer (and in the entrance scene, he will also leads your boxer to the ring).

This cheat code unlocks the DODGE package in the boxing game Fight Night Round 3.

The password GRABLIFE unlocks the DODGE package.

This cheat codes gives 999,999 credits to the player

This cheat code for the boxing game Fight Night round 3 will gives the player 999999 credits.
Useful for players who lost their savegame and wants to unlock the trunks, shoes, ect... they want.

Cheat code for fight night round 3 : It gives the player 999999 credits.

Please note that this is a raw cheat code which means it will works only if you play the game with the PCSX2 emulator.
That said, this cheat code could work on the Playstation 2 if you convert it first with Omniconvert (free program) and then enable it with Action Replay Max, Codebraker or Gameshark, which are special PS2 DVDs which allow players to use codes which can't be enabled ingame.